heavenandhellfet2014-630 The Heaven and Hell Fest, which was scheduled to take place in México City on March 15th-16th has been canceled. The organizers have released the following statement:

“To all metal fans, metal bands, followers press and social media,

It is very sad to inform you that the Heaven and Hell Metal Fest 2014, that was planned to do on Texcoco Fair on march 15th and 16th 2014 was canceled by Estado De Mexico (State Government) after beeing supported by local government of Texcoco.

The reasons of this determinant cancellation by the Estate Government which strangely spread immediately to the federal level, were for unknown fundamental matters that make clear that this decision goes beyond the reasons the State Government presented.

Still we thank all the state and municipal governments who expressed their total support and interest to make this festival in their own entities.

With sadness and disappointment we realize that having relationships and interests at the highest levels has more relevance than generating opportunities for emergent projects and building healthy competition whose sole purpose is to bring quality international shows to our country.

We greatly appreciate the full support of all who were always with us and sent us words of encouragement, metal fans, groups, agencies, media and sponsors

The Festival Production did make its best to get this festival come true, unfortunately we’ve been victims of strong political interests, that goes beyond cultural matters.

Reimbursement ticket information will be released as son as possible at the official festival website and

Finally, Heaven and Hell Metal Fest 2014 will not take place on March 15th and 16th… However we´re looking to reschedule bands and dates and as soon as we can and we will announce details as soon as we know them.

It doesn’t matter how much intolerance exist, the metal will not be silenced. We stand with the support of the entire metal community because Heaven and Hell Metal Fest 2014 is for all.”

14 Responses

  1. Well, Mexican rockers point of view is that it was cancelled by the government exactly for political differences and money. As you know, Mexico’s government’s got a name on corruption. Wehad everything ready and out of the blue they decided to cancel it. It is not true that the place was unsafe, it is a place where a lot of shows have taken place before and nothing happened. But this time it was a Metal show. Meanwhile, fans are totally down including me. Greets to TRUNK.!!

  2. No mas dinero por Gene & Paul. Play San Antonio, it is 75% Mexican and they love the Sistah & Kiss. Def Leppard got banned there for years, Joe opened his mouth onstage about the audience.

  3. Why did it take so long to post this? I knew about this for almost a week. I’m kinda glad kiss couldn’t make a buck but do feel sorry for the great bands that could not play and make a buck considering it is not easy being a metal/rock band in this day and age.

    1. Brian,

      We were waiting on the official announcement from the concert promoters. I guess it took them awhile to formulate and release their statement.

      Dana from 🙂

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