West coast thrash metal veterans Metal Church have released another song from their upcoming 13th studio album, Congregation of AnnihilationThe new track Making Monsters puts the musicianship of new vocalist Marc Lopes, founding guitarist Kurdt Vanderhoof, guitarist Rick Van Zandt, bassist Steve Unger and drummer Stet Howland on full display in 2023. The new song comes on the heels of the recently released Pick A God and Prey which jumped over 100K views in three weeks and shows the band is still converting new fans even today. Making Monsters is available via all digital service providers and a static visualizer for the new song can be seen below.

About Making MonstersKurdt Vanderhoof comments, “Keeping with the Metal Church tradition of combining the heavy and aggressive sound of thrash metal while injecting a good dose of melody and hooks, ‘Making Monsters’ is a track that showcases what we have done for over 30 years. It has the comfort of old school Metal Church while showcasing how our signature sound has evolved. The band is firing on all cylinders.”

Marc Lopes adds, “Just a dark, creepy, heavy ass driving tune that is lyrically based from the book Making Monsters: The Uncanny Power of Dehumanization by David Livingstone Smith – a truly terrifying read. It’s based on actual real-life research. The dehumanizing of others that transforms them into something so terrifying that they must be destroyed. Deep, philosophical and psychological stuff here, just another day in my train of thought.“

Congregation of Annihilation is set to be released on May 26th, to read more details, please click here.

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