kiss-return KISS have released a statement on their official website addressing the Rock Hall induction. Here is what it states:

“To All Our Fans In Regards To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame:

Out of respect, Ace and Peter’s recent statements demand a quick response to you, our fans.

Our intention was to celebrate the entire history of KISS and give credit to all members including long time present members Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer, and additionally Bruce Kulick and Eric Carr all who have made this band what it is, regardless of the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame’s point of view.

Although KISS has moved forward far longer without them, Ace and Peter are at the very foundation of what we have built and this would all be impossible had they not been a part of it in the beginning.

It is over 13 years since the original lineup has played together in make-up and we believe the memory of those times would not be enhanced. Contrary to claims made through the media we have never refused to play with Ace and Peter.

We have spent 40 years dedicated to building KISS without quitting or wavering as the band has moved forward with huge tours and platinum albums through different important lineups for forty years, to this day.

KISS has always been a band unlike any other. That is why we started KISS. That is why we continue KISS. Being unlike other bands also means making choices and decisions unlike other bands.

This is understandably an emotional situation where there is no way to please everyone.

To bring this to a quick end, we have decided not to play in any line-up and we will focus our attention on celebrating our induction into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.

We are excited and are looking forward to seeing you all on the KISS 40th Anniversary worldwide tour.”


201 Responses

  1. All KISS merchandise I own will be on ebay next 24 hrs, I feel sick that it has come to this, Gene and Paul say we are there for the fans , absolute rubbish, how about doing something that will make millions smile and be happy and proud to love KISS, not be obsessed with ego’s and money.

    36 years later and 100k in shows ,merchandise, all means nothing now, scary part is I know hundreds of fans feeling the same way, oh well back to KISS getting 1600 – 2000 to a shows IT WILL CATCH UP WITH THEM, by then they won’t care and they have ran this band into the ground instead of being respected and going out in style. I am done.

  2. C’mon Gene and Paul! Whatever happened to Gene’s ever so famous words: “The fans speak and we listen” and what about this one: “Of the people, for the people, by the people”! Yeah right, as Paul would like to quote when putting other bands down by saying: “Sounds like a bunch of Hot air”, well that can be said about Gene’s “Motto” to the fans! I have been a fan since 1976(six years old), I am now 44 presently. I have supported the band through the good and bad years(70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and 2K’s), The original lineup is where the band had its most success, in the 70’s and 1996 Reunion. With all due respect, I just dont like Eric Singers’ drumming and Tommy Thayers’ impersonation of Ace on guitar. Sorry, but you can’t duplicate a legend(with or without makeup). I admire Bruce Kulicks professionalism when it came to stepping aside when Ace came back into the band. I just think there has been animosity since Ace and Peter rejoined but weren’t fairly compensated financially compared to Gene and Paul during their biggest tour in 1996(reference Peter and Ace’s biography books). But I think the latest drama should be blamed on Paul, it seems like he is the one that is holding a grudge against Ace and Peter(more so Peter) for some of the things that were written about Paul’s sexuality. And I feel Paul is a bit jealous that Ace is more “a musician”(better guitar player), whether on or off chemical substances. I recently witnessed the EAGLES in concert and couldnt help but feel some respect for them putting their differences aside and coming together(since the mid 90’s) and continously tour together as A TEAM onstage! KISS could easily do that but are letting “Gene and Paul’s emotions” get in the way! Had Sean Delaney been alive today, he probably would have “physically hit” some sense into Gene and Paul, especially after all the hard work Sean and the late Bill Aucoin put forth into the band early in their career! I say, in Honor of Sean and Bill, play one more time as the original four at the Rock Hall induction to “bombastically stick it to the RNRHOF panels’ face”!! It’s just too bad your letting that opportunity slip away and letting the fans down at the same time! Thanks for reading my personal opinion! Peace Out from my “KISS MAN KAVE” in Houston, TX!

  3. THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!! I was hoping that somebody would have the noogets to stand up to the rock and roll hall of shame, and I was praying that it would be my favorite band ever, and thank God, IT IS the hottest band in the world KISS!! That being said, my favorite artist ever is Ace, always has been, always will be, so much so I named my son after him. But we all know the last viable music with KISS that was made by Ace and Peter came some 25-27 years ago… What about Bruce Kulick? He might be good, ya think? What about Eric Singer? He might be good, ya think? What about Eric Carr, he might be good, ya think? Vinnie Vincent – good… ya think? The list goes on… I say thank you Gene, I say thank you Paul. Somebody finally told the R&R hall of fame F/U, there’s more to a band than a 10 year period. Once again, I’ve been a fan for 40 years, not 10. F/U R&R hall of fame. Thank you Eddie. Thank you Paul. Thank you Gene. Thank you Ace. Thank you Peter. We got it right. KISS my ass; rock on; the hottest band in the world, KISS. Timi says goodnight.

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