Jennifer Maas of the TheWrap reports:

Gene Simmons is being sued by a woman who says the KISS bassist groped her and made “unwanted, unwarranted sexual advances” during an interview she conducted last month, according to legal documents obtained by TheWrap.

The radio and television broadcaster (identified as “Jane Doe”) is suing for sexual battery, gender violence, battery and assault.

According to the lawsuit, which was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Friday, the woman was speaking with Simmons and his bandmate Paul Stanley at their Rock & Brews restaurant at San Manuel Casino in Highland, California on November 1st when the incident occurred.

The plaintiff, identified in the documents as a “long-time on-air personality for a local rock station,” says Simmons grabbed her hand multiple times and “forcefully placed it on his knee and held it on his knee.” The accuser also says he “forcibly flicked/struck” her throat.

“Defendant Simmons turned standard interview questions into sexual innuendos, which made plaintiff Doe extremely uncomfortable,” the suit states.

Simmons provided an “incoherent explanation” for his behavior, according to the lawsuit.

The accuser also says Simmons “reached toward [her] buttocks and touched it” while they were posing for a promotional photo together after the interview.

“My client is embarrassed and humiliated by the incident with Mr. Simmons,” the anonymous woman’s attorney, Willie W. Williams, told The San Bernardino Sun during a phone interview. “She filed suit because she wanted to make a strong statement that this behavior is unacceptable and she wants to see an end to this type of behavior.”

Simmons’ reps didn’t immediately respond to TheWrap’s request for comment.

*UPDATE: Gene Simmons has posted the following message to his Facebook page:


I intend to defend myself against any alleged charges you may have been reading about in the media.
For the record, I did not assault the person making these accusations in the manner alleged in the complaint or harm her in any way.

I am conferring with my lawyers with the aim of vigorously countering these allegations.

And I look forward to my day in court where the evidence will prove my innocence.”

source: thewrap.com

10 Responses

  1. Grabbing someone is not appropriate, but if this woman is indeed a “long time on-air personality” then she should know damn well how Gene speaks. If she is offended by such comments she could have declined interviewing him.

  2. “Your honour, how can I possibly be accused of this crime? I have always loved and respected women. I love women so much, I’ll sleep with any of them. My sexual behaviour can be explained in terms of never wanting to be like my father.

    “Growing up in America as an immigrant, I have come to see how hypocritical people are. They condemn sex, yet they secretly come to celebrities begging to sleep with them.

    “The plaintiff, your honour, is one of those hypocrites. She owes her career to profiling celebrities, yet here she is suing one. She should be eternally grateful to us for the opportunities we have bestowed upon her.

    “Your honour, ever since I was a little boy in Israel, I have loved America. It’s the land of opportunity. Americans born here don’t realize just how good they have it. The plaintiff, too, is devoid of gratitude for what America, its celebrities, and above all Kiss, have given her.

    “Your honour, I move that the case be dismissed, all my legal fees be transferred to the plaintiff, and that the plaintiff write a letter of apology to me. A copy of said letter will be included in all subsequent editions of the Gene Simmons’s Vault Box Set, which I will present to all purchasers for a small fee.

    “Thank you.”

  3. I am calling bs on this. Suddenly nearly every athlete, musician, politician, etc, is being accused of this stuff. Although I believe some are guilty as charged, I do believe there are a lot of gold diggers out there too. Shit is getting ridiculous in this sick world. Doomsday Jesus we need you now!

  4. this should be no surprise to anyone that this accusation has happened , I cant believe its taken this long – but reading the article Paul Stanley was also interviewed , i’m sure he will release a statement soon – I hope it’s not true-

  5. “She filed suit because she wanted to make a strong statement that this behavior is unacceptable and she wants to see an end to this type of behavior.” This is not a valid reason to sue somebody. What are her damages? It’s not a subjective standard. Put this in front of a jury if she’s going to say this.

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