Jennifer Maas of the TheWrap reports:

Gene Simmons is being sued by a woman who says the KISS bassist groped her and made “unwanted, unwarranted sexual advances” during an interview she conducted last month, according to legal documents obtained by TheWrap.

The radio and television broadcaster (identified as “Jane Doe”) is suing for sexual battery, gender violence, battery and assault.

According to the lawsuit, which was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Friday, the woman was speaking with Simmons and his bandmate Paul Stanley at their Rock & Brews restaurant at San Manuel Casino in Highland, California on November 1st when the incident occurred.

The plaintiff, identified in the documents as a “long-time on-air personality for a local rock station,” says Simmons grabbed her hand multiple times and “forcefully placed it on his knee and held it on his knee.” The accuser also says he “forcibly flicked/struck” her throat.

“Defendant Simmons turned standard interview questions into sexual innuendos, which made plaintiff Doe extremely uncomfortable,” the suit states.

Simmons provided an “incoherent explanation” for his behavior, according to the lawsuit.

The accuser also says Simmons “reached toward [her] buttocks and touched it” while they were posing for a promotional photo together after the interview.

“My client is embarrassed and humiliated by the incident with Mr. Simmons,” the anonymous woman’s attorney, Willie W. Williams, told The San Bernardino Sun during a phone interview. “She filed suit because she wanted to make a strong statement that this behavior is unacceptable and she wants to see an end to this type of behavior.”

Simmons’ reps didn’t immediately respond to TheWrap’s request for comment.

*UPDATE: Gene Simmons has posted the following message to his Facebook page:


I intend to defend myself against any alleged charges you may have been reading about in the media.
For the record, I did not assault the person making these accusations in the manner alleged in the complaint or harm her in any way.

I am conferring with my lawyers with the aim of vigorously countering these allegations.

And I look forward to my day in court where the evidence will prove my innocence.”

source: thewrap.com

10 Responses

  1. First off, I want to say that I am in no way minimizing any inappropriate behavior on the part of Gene, assuming that all of the woman’s accusations are true. But some of what is in this posting doesn’t make sense. First off, they say that they were interviewing both Gene and Paul at an opening of one of the restaurants that they are opening. Was Paul present during the incident? If so, does he corroborate what this woman is saying happened? Second, if you have seen some of these interviews of Gene (especially with rock radio), they almost always include asking Gene about all of the women he had sex with back in the day. And Gene always starts making comments full of sexual innuendo. It’s his schtick! When you interview Gene, that’s what you are going to get! Now, as far as the touching is concerned, that is more problematic. But, I have to ask if this lady told Gene to stop when he grabbed her hand, or touched her butt? Again, Gene has an image as an aging rock star who has slept with 1000’s of women. You are interviewing him for a restaurant that has a rock and roll theme, so I am willing to bet that the subject of his many conquests came up. So, if during interviewing him about this he becomes a little “handsy”, the interviewer has an obligation to say something. If he doesn’t stop, then there needs to be some consequences. At least from my what I am reading here, I don’t see this lawsuit going anywhere.

  2. I tend to believe this woman’s account if for no other reason than the fact that everyone has seen Gene behave like this on camera. It’s his clown-y schtick. Most TV reporters/personalities at least pretend on-air to find him humorous and charming. This woman did not. I think Gene’s problem is that he’s become the dirty old clown in the room, and society and time have passed him by. That said, and having read the actual legal filing, I do question whether this awkward indiscretion by an old clown necessarily deserves a lawsuit. It also doesn’t surprise me that Paul – who doesn’t do Gene’s schtick – is never mentioned in the lawsuit.

  3. Gosh, I hope these allegations are not true. While we all know Gene’s history with women, I hope that at almost 70 years of age, I would like to think Gene knows to conduct himself in a professional manner rather than an old pervert. Also, out of respect for his wife, and as a role model to his kids, I would like to think Gene knows to be respectful to others, particularly women, considering his reputation. How would Gene feel if men treated Sophie in an disrespectful manner?

  4. I have read that gene denies this – I am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one – would love to hear Paul’s side of things , although I bet he does not want to get involved in another cringe worthy Simmons situation-

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