Selena Fragassi of the Chicago Sun Times wrote a feature article on KISS bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons. Select quotes from the piece appear below.

Discussing the fact that the KISS Catalog Ltd filed a trademark application to register “The End Of the Road” under the umbrella of live performances:

“…We can’t keep doing this forever. We are the hardest-working band in show business. If Jagger stepped into my Dragon Boots, he couldn’t last a half hour…[the band] doesn’t want to stay on stage a day longer than when we feel valid. … Remember we introduced ourselves as ‘When you wanted the best you got the best, the hottest band in the world.’ Not we ‘used to be’ the best.”

Stating, when and if, KISS does decide tp retire, you will not see bands of their ilk anymore:

“When we all started in this business, up until 30 years ago, there was actually a record ‘business.’ But once people started giving away music for free, the record industry died. Which means new bands couldn’t make a living and couldn’t quit their day job. Record companies were the best friends acts could have — they paid us money so you could quit your day job and be devoted to your art, which is the reason I got here.”

Read more at the Chicago Sun Times.


13 Responses

  1. Well, Gene, in fairness Jagger is 6 years older than you, and about a hundred pounds lighter! LOL! For me, and many others, “The End Of the Road” came in 2001. But before 2001 I saw every KISS tour from ’76 to ’01, except for the “Hot In The Shade” tour, unfortunately I missed that one. But all the memories from all the other tours, and of course the music, will live and last “Forever!” 😉

  2. Well, Jay Jay French says the Stones are 90 years old….so, yeah, no way Jagger could do it at 90 years of age. Gene has a hard time doing it at his current 68 years of age.

    But I still gotta give credit to both Gene and Paul for trying to perform physically demanding shows at their age….

  3. Much as I was a Kiss fan till 1996 tour and still listen to their early music. You are not a pimple on Mick Jagger”s butt as a songwriter, singer or performer. You have even admitted that Deuce was inspired by a Stones song. Don’t put yourself in the same league. And have you paid Keith for using Honky Tonk Women’s opening riff for Heaven’s On Fire?

    1. Cone on, that’s so disingenuous…he never said he was as good as the Stones and he wrote/co-wrote some of the best rock and roll songs I’ve ever heard. So…shoudln’t Richards give some money to Chuck Berry’s estate then too? No, of course not.

  4. As far as the business aspect goes there is no one better than this guy. If you trace origins back to Napster this makes sense. The late 1990s were the beginning of the end.

  5. sorry gene, but your words ring true … “you used to be the best” as far as jagger wearing your boots , not lasting half an hour… have you watched any of your recent clips on youtube? you pretty much just stand and walk around a little- i think anyone at this point could wear your costume gene, kiss should have stopped years ago , its just dumb now –

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