ironmaiden640 Iron Maiden have released a video for the song Speed Of Light from their forthcoming double-length album, The Book Of Souls, out September 4th.

The video is a “homage” to four decades of video gaming juxta-posed alongside Iron Maiden’s 40 years of incredible visual canon centering on their talisman, Eddie as he travels through space & time to complete his Herculean task. Watch it below.

Dickinson says, “We recorded it at Guillame Tell Studios in Paris, where we’d done the Brave New World album in 2000, so the studio holds special memories for all of us. We were delighted to discover the same magical vibe is still alive and very much kicking there. By the time we’d finished we all agreed that each track was such an integral part of the whole body of work that if it needed to be a double album, then double it was going to be.”

Bassist Steve Harris adds, “We approached this album in a different way to how we’ve recorded previously. A lot of the songs were actually written while we were there in the studio. We rehearsed and recorded them straight away while they were still fresh – and I think that immediacy really shows. They have almost a live feel to them, I think. I’m very proud of The Book Of Souls. We all are, and we can’t wait for our fans to hear it when we take it out on the road next year.”

The album will be available in standard 2CD, deluxe hardbound 2CD, heavyweight triple-vinyl, standard and hi-res audio. Tour details will be confirmed in due course. Harris hits the road with solo band British Lion in July.

The Book Of Souls tracklist:

Disc 1:

If Eternity Should Fail (Dickinson) 8:28
Speed Of Light (Smith/ Dickinson) 5:01
The Great Unknown (Smith/ Harris) 6:37
The Red And The Black (Harris) 13:33
When The River Runs Deep (Smith/ Harris) 5:52
The Book Of Souls (Gers/ Harris) 10:27

Disc 2:

Death Or Glory (Smith/ Dickinson) 5:13
Shadows Of The Valley (Gers/ Harris) 7:32
Tears Of A Clown (Smith/ Harris) 4:59
The Man Of Sorrows (Murray/ Harris) 6:28
Empire Of The Clouds (Dickinson) 18:01

IronMaidenBookOf Soulscoveer640

21 Responses

  1. I guess the authenticity of this whole operation has won me over, that’s really Bruce singing, he isn’t getting any digital enhancements, that’s really Nicko’s drumming, they didn’t digitally align his drums to lock in perfectly. His tempo is kind of all over the place on this, I don’t even think they used a click track. I think I’m going to plunk down my dollars for this, it’s goofy, but it is entertaining, and it breathes.

  2. I don’t know what half of you are talking about. The song has classic Maiden vibe but also sounds current. Although I’ll admit Adrian Smith can do nothing wrong in my books. Bruce sounds fantastic. One critique would be the engineering on Nicko’s drums. Sounds very dull on the toms. Been like that the last few records and not good.

    1. Agree with the tom sound being disappointing. He had a great tom sound on Piece Of Mind along with some other albums but now they sound like cardboard boxes. Song is good however and Bruce is in top form.

    2. I was thinking exactly the same thing RE Piece of Mind. The intro to Where Eagles Dare and the sound on his drums just blew me away. His toms where always very musical and pitched perfectly during the 80’s and part of the 90’s. Now they’re going with this flatter sound that drives me a little nuts. But again to your point, the song is good and Bruce sounds fantastic.

  3. Good tune and cool video….look forward to the album. I will have to see what the Gers contribution is to this because for the life of me, I cannot figure out why he wasn’t let go when Adrian came back. When I see them live, the little playing he does when he isn’t swinging his guitar around or posturing is barely audible except for a few tunes. It made perfect sense when he was one of only two guitarists and he would play his ass off. Maybe I’m alone on this. Up the Irons!

    1. 2nd that. I never really understood why he was still around, no offense to the guy. I can’t pick him out of the mix, and he seems to just hold down some rhythm guitar and dance around.

  4. I like it. It is a fun cool song. Their most DEEP PURPLE sounding song in a real long while. Also leave Gets alone. He stays put. What if Smith or Murray need a night off? He’s insurance. These guys are not spring chickens you know.

    1. Gers seems like a cool guy and can definitely play. But when you have Smith and Murray you don’t need a 3rd wheel. But hey I haven’t seen anyone sling a guitar around their shoulder that good since Jeff Lebar in Nobody’s Fool. So to your point if they need someone to go all Steve Vai/Yankee Rose for the fans, they’ve got their man.

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