Hardeep Phull of the New York Post reports:

Hey, women! Forget your grandiose notions of working toward equality based on your intellectual merits. That’s all nonsense, and KISS’ Gene Simmons — a 68-year-old man — is here to tell you why.

In his new book, On Power: My Journey Through the Corridors of Power and How You Can Get More Power (Harper Collins, out Tuesday), the bass player, and vocalist, uses his decades of business experience to preach about how to get ahead in the modern world.

For women, Simmons argues that using sexuality is still the quickest route to power.

“Women have a choice,” he told The Post. “They can dress in potato sacks, [but] as soon as they pretty themselves up with lipstick, lift and separate them and point them in our general direction, they’re gonna get a response. Guys are jackasses — we will buy them mansions and houses . . . all because of sex.”

And, ladies, if you’re thinking of being a working mom, think again. “Get over your biological urges,” Simmons said. “It’s natural to want to have kids, but, sorry, you can’t have it both ways. You have to commit to either career or family. It’s very difficult to have both.”

Simmons knows his (freakishly long) tongue will get him in trouble. But as he so eloquently put it, he doesn’t “give a f–k what anyone thinks.” The rocker — whose band’s earnings and business interests, such as the restaurant chain Rock & Brews, have earned him an estimated net worth of $300 million…

…“If it wasn’t for the rich, there wouldn’t be jobs for people. There’d be no philanthropy. There’d be nothing,” he said. “A poor person never gave me a job. The American dream is not only alive, but it’s better and stronger than ever.”

Read more at the New York Post.


12 Responses

  1. Gene Simmons is a total ego maniac, but he knows how to make money. I certainly don’t agree with everything the guy says, but the excerpt from the book quoted that talks about never getting a job from a poor person is entirely correct. People go on and on hating on rich folks, but who do you think does the hiring in this country? Instead of wasting time hating these people, you should figure out how they got rich and try to emulate it! Gene went from being the son of Holocaust survivor teaching public school in New York city to being worth $300 million, playing in the “hottest band in the world”, touring the globe countless times, etc. The guy can be a total dick sometimes, but on some topics he is spot on.

  2. here is my follow up comment , as I understand it in the early 70’s bill Aucoin hardly had a pot to piss in and he gave you your career ….. I have met some very strong and talented women throughout my life and most all raised kids while working, my wife included – yes it can be tough sometimes but, it’s actually not that difficult if your husband or significant other helps- also Gene, your attitude about women using sex to get what they want.. while it might be true some women are attracted to money and power and have and will use sex to get ahead .. I believe it happens in the vacuum of celebrity , not in the real world where most of us live and work , and that very attitude is why men of power, {we all know the scandal by know } have gotten away with manipulating, exploiting and abusing women for so long with no consequence’s – Gene you really do seem to be an idiot –

    1. Robert, I love the way you included your wife as an example of a working mother while also raising kids. Very nice to include her like that in your comments.

      I, on the other hand, feel terrible that I overlooked my wife as an example of a great mother and career minded woman. Shame on me for that…. :o(

  3. Haven’t we seen this movie before? NY Post writes this story, everyone is shocked and appalled by his views, Twitter goes into Code Red Outrage, cable news bobbleheads bring him on to courageously confront such a man with such views, more social media outrage, and….oh, hey! Check out whose book is on the NY Times best-seller list! None other than Gene Simmons!….oh, yeah, and “rock is dead” and Gene invented the devil-horn gesture. Let the comments begin….

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