Hardeep Phull of the New York Post reports:

Hey, women! Forget your grandiose notions of working toward equality based on your intellectual merits. That’s all nonsense, and KISS’ Gene Simmons — a 68-year-old man — is here to tell you why.

In his new book, On Power: My Journey Through the Corridors of Power and How You Can Get More Power (Harper Collins, out Tuesday), the bass player, and vocalist, uses his decades of business experience to preach about how to get ahead in the modern world.

For women, Simmons argues that using sexuality is still the quickest route to power.

“Women have a choice,” he told The Post. “They can dress in potato sacks, [but] as soon as they pretty themselves up with lipstick, lift and separate them and point them in our general direction, they’re gonna get a response. Guys are jackasses — we will buy them mansions and houses . . . all because of sex.”

And, ladies, if you’re thinking of being a working mom, think again. “Get over your biological urges,” Simmons said. “It’s natural to want to have kids, but, sorry, you can’t have it both ways. You have to commit to either career or family. It’s very difficult to have both.”

Simmons knows his (freakishly long) tongue will get him in trouble. But as he so eloquently put it, he doesn’t “give a f–k what anyone thinks.” The rocker — whose band’s earnings and business interests, such as the restaurant chain Rock & Brews, have earned him an estimated net worth of $300 million…

…“If it wasn’t for the rich, there wouldn’t be jobs for people. There’d be no philanthropy. There’d be nothing,” he said. “A poor person never gave me a job. The American dream is not only alive, but it’s better and stronger than ever.”

Read more at the New York Post.


12 Responses

  1. Gentlemen: Just in time for Christmas, Gene $immon$ provides us with the perfect gift idea for the special lady in our lives…NOT!

    I’m sure Gene’s revelation about women and sex is from his experience with groupies, many of whom were probably “not the sharpest tool in the shed”, but smart enough to get what they wanted from The Demon, who was only thinking with his d*ck.

    And I work with several women who are both career minded and great mothers. Yes, I’m sure it’s hard, but they manage to perform both wonderfully. I find Gene’s comments to be sexist and insulting to women.

    Gene does a lot for our military, is very charitable, and donates a lot of money to organizations. I admire him for what he does in these endeavors…but sometimes his brashness can get in the way of all the good he does…

    1. Totally agree, Rattlehead. Gene is talking about his experiences, and I bet there were a ton of women who wanted to use sex to start a relationship with him. He was/ is the DEMON, co-founder of one of the most successful bands in the world. Does anyone believe that he didn’t get hit on by some gold-digging women in his lifetime? And, like it or not, women that dress well and are attractive (especially in the entertainment industry where Gene’s has worked) are far more successful than those that don’t. Sex sells, like or not! His comments about working mothers are, as far as I’m concerned, are more problematic. Yes, there are a lot of trade-offs, but you can be a successful woman and still be a mother. It’s not an either/ or situation, especially nowadays. Gene has been, and always will be, an opinionated ego-maniac. He says what he believes, like it or not. And I admire him for that. But sometimes I wish he could be a little more circumspect, because his comments sometimes make people forget that he also does some great things for our military and other charities.

    2. rattlehead, thanks for the kind words , i’m sure just like you I feel lucky to have an amazing woman in my life – for all the good things simmons does , his charitable work , his support of our troops which can be very moving at times – does not excuse the fact that he has his head up his a– regarding everything he said in this post- there is a major disconnect in his brain somewhere…….

  2. I know, but then there was the groupie who went to his hotel room, told him she didn’t want to have sex with him, and Gene just ordered a pizza and she said they had a nice night.

  3. These comments won’t surprise anyone familiar with Simmons’s outlook, but its timing means they could get more negative attention than usual.
    The entertainment industry toleration of “the casting couch” is being scrutinized, and people the media wouldn’t normally dare scrutinize – like George Takei – are having to run for cover.
    If the news cycle picks this up for more than a day, I’d say “cherchez la femme” – Shannon Tweed. The only logical conclusion one can draw from Simmons’s comment is that Tweed is a capital “W” you-know-what. There are lots of videos online showing that she tired of her husband’s shtick a long time ago, so this could get ugly.

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