Bon Jovi is set to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame tonight in Cleveland, Ohio, and the entire state of New Jersey is celebrating, as Governor Phil Murphy has declared that April 14th as Bon Jovi Day.

The announcement was made on Friday night during a private event at the the historic 925 Building. It was a surprise for the group members in attendance: Jon Bon Jovi (with his wife and four children), David Bryan, Tico Torres, Hugh McDonald, Richie Sambora, and Alec John Such (who will be inducted tonight).

In a formal letter declaring April 14th “Bon Jovi Day,” Murphy wrote, “Five musicians from New Jersey communities believed in their dream and used their talents to form Bon Jovi, one of the most famous, enduring rock bands of all time.”

Other VIP guests included sports icons Robert Kraft, Jerry Jones, Bill Belichick, and Charlie Weiss; music executives Irving Azoff, Island Records head David Massey, CAA’s Rob Light, Paul Korzilius, and longtime PR man Ken Sunshine; along with close personal friends Michael Feldman and wife Savannah Guthrie.

Guests feasted on seared snapper, Swiss chard, micro cilantro, truffle whipped mashed potatoes, vegan eggplant roulade, and were treated to a rose bar featuring Jon and his son Jesse Bongiovi’s brand new Hampton Water rose.

In a toast, Guthrie said that there isn’t a hall of fame big enough for Jon when one considers his philanthropy, legacy, impact on popular culture and trends, and his loyalty. She added that Bon Jovi should also be in the Hall of Fame for “wife-picking.”

The jovial evening ended with members of the band singing “Inducted! It’s about time….” to the tune of “Wanted! Dead or Alive…”

Bon Jovi will be inducted into the Rock Hall tonight along with The Moody Blues, Dire Straits, The Cars, Nina Simone, and Sister Rosetta Tharpe. The ceremony will air May 5tg on HBO.

source: variety.com

9 Responses

  1. Tasker, i did want to follow up to something you said about Jon, from everything i have seen / heard , he seems to be a great guy ! everyone in bon jovi I’m sure are great people , i’m not saying they are not talented musicians they are – Tico is a monster drummer , Richie underrated for sure , great voice , could have been a great front man as well as a great guitarist , david also great ! etc.. HOF induction , should not be just about numbers of records sold , or numbers of asses kissed- Bon Jovi blew up at a time when the style of rock they did was starting to become popular along with the whole new glam thing , jon and Richie were pretty lol , they hooked up with Desmond Child, wrote slippery when wet , it was the perfect calculated mainstream pop rock record that was perfect for radio, appealed to the masses, and their looks were perfect for girls who wanted to bang them senseless and come out in droves to see them and buy their albums – HOF induction criterion should also include ..influence on musicians /bands that come after , amazing timeless songs that move the genre forward in some way , and that ” magic ” you cant always put into words – i don’t think they had any of that except record sales – this is my humble opinion~bob

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