joesatriani640 Last month, Sammy Hagar fueled speculation that Chickenfoot were working on new material after announcing that he and Joe Satriani were “messing around with song ideas to see if [they] taste like Chicken.” Now, in an interview with The Guit Cast (via Blabbermouth), Satriani has confirmed that the band is in the process of recording a new track, with the possibility of more new material on the cards:

“I think all my complaining and foot stomping really had an effect, because it was really bothering me and I still, philosophically, just felt like there was a really big disconnect there [between me and some of the other members of Chickenfoot]. I got asked by every single journalist ten times a day [what was going on with the band]. And when I started speaking my mind, I think I realized I rattled some feathers there in the ‘Foot camp. And I followed it up with just writing some new music, and I sent Sam some stuff, and I was surprised to see him respond so quickly with some creative ideas. And I can happily tell you now that there is a track that is circulating through the band. It’s got new drums from Chad [Smith] on it, it’s got new vocals from Sam, and I think Mike [Anthony] is coming at the end of this week to add bass and vocals. So there might be something coming. I know there’s a song in the works, and I’m working on a few others that I think I can get them to do. So, yeah, I think there’s hope.”

Joe Satriani had previously stated that he thought the band was done after he couldn’t get the rest of the group motivated to record a new album. Speaking with Ultimate Classic Rock back in June, the guitarist revealed that while he had demoed a new Chickenfoot record, he was considering moving on to another project.


10 Responses

  1. I wonder if they will record a whole album? I bet you it’ll be 3-5 songs.

    The first Chickenfoot was better than the second, in my opinion. Keep it simple, but let Joe and Chad do their thing.

    1. Do you have anything nice to say ever? I’ve never seen a guy like you. You shoot down everything. You remind me of the campari in Sicily. Someone asked him why he never talks. He said: What do you want me to say that my wife two times me. The wife then says: Shut up you’re always talking. Of course that sounds much better in Italian. You are content to be a jerk.

    1. Whoah, I hadn’t thought of that! I like Chad Smith and it would be cool if all these guys could stick together and continue Chickenfoot, but if Chad’s commitment to the Chili Peppers is one of the big road blocks to scheduling… I would be really excited to see Jason Bonham take over. It’s not just Chad though, Sammy has said he doesn’t like to stick with any one thing for too long and he has a long running relationship with Vic Johnson from the “Waborita” days. Vic’s cool too, but… Joe is the man.

    2. Just a thought, but I would love to see Joe & Vic jam together, that would be awesome! Also agree, if Chad can’t do it, Jason can.

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