joesatriani640 Last month, Sammy Hagar fueled speculation that Chickenfoot were working on new material after announcing that he and Joe Satriani were “messing around with song ideas to see if [they] taste like Chicken.” Now, in an interview with The Guit Cast (via Blabbermouth), Satriani has confirmed that the band is in the process of recording a new track, with the possibility of more new material on the cards:

“I think all my complaining and foot stomping really had an effect, because it was really bothering me and I still, philosophically, just felt like there was a really big disconnect there [between me and some of the other members of Chickenfoot]. I got asked by every single journalist ten times a day [what was going on with the band]. And when I started speaking my mind, I think I realized I rattled some feathers there in the ‘Foot camp. And I followed it up with just writing some new music, and I sent Sam some stuff, and I was surprised to see him respond so quickly with some creative ideas. And I can happily tell you now that there is a track that is circulating through the band. It’s got new drums from Chad [Smith] on it, it’s got new vocals from Sam, and I think Mike [Anthony] is coming at the end of this week to add bass and vocals. So there might be something coming. I know there’s a song in the works, and I’m working on a few others that I think I can get them to do. So, yeah, I think there’s hope.”

Joe Satriani had previously stated that he thought the band was done after he couldn’t get the rest of the group motivated to record a new album. Speaking with Ultimate Classic Rock back in June, the guitarist revealed that while he had demoed a new Chickenfoot record, he was considering moving on to another project.


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