Glenn Hughes is still hoping he and David Coverdale will be allowed to perform with Deep Purple at the band’s induction into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame next month.
The pair were part of the band’s Mark III lineup alongside Ritchie Blackmore, Ian Paice and Jon Lord, then the Mark IV version with Tommy Bolin in Blackmore’s place.
Current frontman Ian Gillan recently said that only the 21st-century “living, breathing” lineup of the band would perform, as a response to present members Steve Morse and Don Airey being left out of the induction.
Blackmore reported he’d been “banned” from attending, although Deep Purple’s management said he’d only been advised that he wouldn’t get to play.
Now Hughes tells Billboard, “There’s a lot of gossip and innuendo about who’s saying what. I’d love to play. I’d love to sing. And so would David.
A month ago David said to me, ‘Shall I reach out to Ian to figure out what we’re gonna do?’ He came back and told me that there’s a problem that Don and Steve aren’t getting inducted and there’s all sorts of scenarios with that. I said, ‘Well, I’m just going to stay out of the way,’ and Coverdale is as well.
If Ian wants to run the show on behalf of his Deep Purple, that’s his business. My business is to show up and gracefully accept my award.”
But he adds, “We’re really hoping that we will be invited to sing. I’d like to think that Deep Purple can be just one big happy family on the night, you know? Egos outside the door and be graceful in what we do.”
He’s also not giving up on Blackmore’s attendance. “You just never know with him, but I’d love it if he showed up. He bloody wrote those songs – he wrote Smoke On The Water.
“Whatever happened, the eccentricities, the name-calling and all that stuff, I say let it all go. Blackmore should be there accepting his award. I’d be very upset if he didn’t.”
The annual Hall Of Fame induction ceremony takes place on April 8 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York.
additional source: classicrock.teamrock.com
11 Responses
I’m glad you posted this story Dana, but I’m puzzled as to why no one seems to be talking about Rod Evans, who is being inducted.
Apparently the guy is still alive, according to one of his Captain Beyond bandmates.
I know Ritchie would never go for this but, what if … coverdale hughes and blackmore recruited
derek sherinian and Jason Bonham, and blasted through burn and storm bringer… just a fun thought – that way Ritchie could play and purple would be fully recognized – 2 of gillans purple are not being inducted …. makes sense to me….
Why is Deep purple allowed to perform with the “living, breathing” lineup and Kiss was not. Furthermore, when are people going to start piling on Ian Gillan with his decision to do so. Everyone killed Gene and Paul with the “do it for the fans” business. Why is Gillan getting a pass. He should do it for the fans. BTW I think it is a travesty that Steve Morse and Don Airy are not in.
“Living, breathing” KISS WAS allowed to perform, but Paul/Gene were upset Tommy/Eric (and all the other previous members) didn’t get inducted into the HoF. They also didn’t want to trot out fat Ace and old-and-out-of-practice Peter in KISS makeup. They could’ve done it without the makeup/costumes, but from their marketing perspective, it wouldn’t be promoting the current lineup.
You are incorrect, the only performance option given to the band was the original four. Paul and Gene refused, thus no performance. See the below article as well as plenty of other sources. Kiss, being inducted at this week’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony at Barclays Center along with Nirvana, Hall and Oates, and others, falls in the latter category, somehow deemed worthy of inclusion after 14 consecutive snubs. But what might have been a celebratory moment for the band has turned into another PR issue for the museum’s gatekeepers. First, the Hall insisted that the original quartet — front man Paul Stanley, bassist Gene Simmons, guitarist Ace Frehley, and drummer Peter Criss — be the only four inducted, with no love given to the six other musicians who have been official members of Kiss over the years. Making matters worse, they were told that only the estranged original lineup could perform at the ceremony, when Kiss leaders Stanley and Simmons had hoped to be accompanied by the stronger musicianship of Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer, Kiss members for the past decade. Besieged on one side by an institution bestowing recognition grudgingly and on another by disgruntled Criss and Frehley partisans, Stanley and Simmons resolved that Kiss will not play at the ceremony at all. On the eve of the induction ceremony and publication of his autobiography, Face the Music, Kiss front man Paul Stanley spoke to Vulture about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame fracas and the fraught relations with Peter and Ace.
I stand corrected.
The whole soap opera got so convoluted, I got the part that the “living breathing” KISS was NOT allowed to perform wrong.
Wouldn`t be awesome if these guys could just set aside there differences and all jam on the same stage. Ritchie and Steve sharing a solo, Glenn, Ian and David alternating verses. What a freaking shame that this won`t happen. It would show the world how talented they have been through the years and show why they all deserve to be there. Damn who knows if they did something like that and got such a great response that maybe it could lead to a tour and they could make some real money,lol. Ok I`m getting carried away now but damn.LOL
The real tragedy is that the great Jon Lord isn’t around to accept. Even if the RRHOF is total dog poo poo, he deserved the honor while he was alive.