Gene-Simmons400 KISS bassist and frontman Gene Simmons spoke with the Huffington Post Live where gave a few blunt tips to fellow immigrants. He insists that they must “learn to speak goddamn English” if they want to make it in America. See the video below.

56 years ago, Israeli-born Simmons immigrated to the US with his mother, and felt no need for any sort of political correctness in his explanation.

“I was welcomed by America and its people and given all the advantages of native-born children,” Simmons stated. “Which is astonishing, when you think about it, because in other countries, they would have ground me up and put me in a can of dog food. And in America I could think what I wanted to think, do as I pleased and reach for the stars.”

Getting down to specific tips, Simmons noted that a simple guideline needs to be followed. “Get rid of your accent; I did. Be a legal immigrant; I’m a legal immigrant. Come to the country, just buckle your knees a little bit, make the effort to learn the culture, assimilate to the point that you can. You’re all proud of who you are, where you come from … Great. Whatever you’re proud of, just tip your hat to America, which is the melting pot and makes it all possible. Agree to one culture that we can all communicate with and then go off and speak Swahili and Farsi and whatever you wanna talk.

I’m actually saying the thing that needs to be said, ’cause the politically correct climate is bulls–t. You don’t want to upset anybody by saying, ‘Learn to speak goddamn English.’ So, as an immigrant, I’m telling you: learn to speak goddamn English. It is the key that will unlock the keys to the kingdom.”

Also, an odd thing happened during the chat, as the interview got hijacked by the Black Lips, demanding the surrender of the KISS army. “Mr. Simmons! We’re here to tell you that the day of misogynistic, sexist rock ‘n’ roll is over! We call for the complete and utter surrender of the KISS Army. Lay down your guitars! Do you accept our terms of surrender?” the band shouted.

Gene didn’t hesitate to strike back, saying, “Yes. I surrender entirely. And I wanted to compliment your mom for the wonderful way that she designed the decorations in the basement that she lets you live in. I think it’s very attractive. I hope you get to leave your mom’s basement soon. Remember: Learn to speak English. Good education, that will help. I did it, you can too.”

After being told that the Black Lips and not merely three random guys wearing makeup and living in their mom’s basement, Simmons asked, “But they’re not black, what are they – racist? Why are they calling themselves ‘black?'”

source: ultimate-guitar.com

49 Responses

  1. I find myself usually disagreeing with what this guy says now days about 99% of the time, but this is that 1% where I have to admit he’s totally right on this one. My dad is also an immigrant that became a legal citizen, learned English fluently, and even lost his accent too. He was even ready to sign up to fight in Vietnam and then President Nixon ended the war. In the age of entitlement, we have hordes of immigrants now apparently feeling that they should receive the things Americans work and fight for without feeling the need to become a legal citizen or even learn the language enough to read highway signs. In my job I do business with people from all over the country and it never ceases to amaze me how many times I hear “hola” or “bueno” when someone picks up a phone, typically in states like California and Texas, and that person can barely speak a lick of English to the point they need an interpreter to handle their business. Maybe Gene should retire from the cover band and become an immigration reform spokesman since it seems to be one of the few things he makes an excellent point about and even reflects those very principles.

  2. Ugh, he has no idea what he is talking about, and I see many of the posters here don’t either. Spent many years on the border, and had loved ones that worked in many kinds of enforcement. The majority of people coming to this country actually do speak some english, which is more than I can say for the majority of Americans who can barely grasp the english language, let alone another as well.

    No, he’s not right, he’s completely ignorant of the situation. Being a melting pot doesn’t mean you lose your ethnic identity or language, it means you assimilate the best you can, with the tools you have available, still keeping some identity. It’s our differences that make us strong, not being a homogenous society. It has nothing to do with politically correct bullshit. The only bullshit is coming from Mr. Simmons.

    Is it a perfect situation? Nope, problems everywhere. Politicians who can’t decide what they want to do with the Mexican border, American companies recruiting foreign tech workers through the H-1B program, further gutting American jobs and workers, American companies hiring undocumented workers over, and over, and over again….but no, let’s blame the people that come here for a chance at the American dream. Learn some English? That’s the least of the problem.

    Gene, you’re ignorant, but that’s ok, much of America is as well.

  3. Gene!! Just shut up please. Just vomit your fake blood and spit fire. Just shut TFU!! You and Paul have destroyed your legend and legacy at this point with die hard kiss fans. Not that U2 give a s-t though.

  4. Gene you have zero and I mean zero expertise in life other than you play in a washed up kiss tribute band. Without kiss you and Paul are nothing. Without being lucky enuff that Bill A showed up to ur little show back in the day and decided to fund you and pay all of your s-t with his credit card. You would be nothing. Retired teacher prolly. Really dude. Any of us that had the money and desire that Bill A. put into Kiss, then most of us with any talent at all would make it big. Kiss made it only because of Bill and Neil and Shawn!! Period!!! Great bands are a dime a dozen. Kiss got lucky!!

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