According to TMZ, Aerosmith drummer, Joey Kramer is suing the band.

According to the papers filed, Kramer suffered minor injuries in Spring 2019, but was ready to return for the band’s Vegas residency shows by Fall.

Instead of being welcomed back as expected … Kramer claims he was subjected to a brand new band policy he did not approve of, where he would have to audition to prove he was “able to play at an appropriate level” in order to regain his drummer role.

Kramer claims this has never happened to any of the other band members in Aerosmith’s 50-year history … all of whom at one time or another had to step away for a time.

Kramer claims the band asked him to perform a series of solo rehearsals against a “click track” — not even live with the other four members — as his audition … and they would listen to the recordings to decide whether he was viable for return.

The drummer claims the stress of the ordeal had “significant repercussions” to his health and that [he] ended up in the hospital in November, which required him to cover the cost of a replacement drummer … and delayed his audition to join the band. BTW … Kramer declares he paid the replacement drummer $20k a week for performances and $10k a week for rehearsals.

According to the suit, Kramer finally and begrudgingly auditioned with the “click track” in early January, and despite his 50 years of experience and believing his performance was on par, the band prohibited him from rejoining.

He claims the reason he was given is he “did not have enough ‘energy’ in the recordings.”

Kramer says this “freeze-out” will result in him missing major and historical events coming up, including a performance at the 2020 Grammys and the band’s upcoming residency in its 50th year.

He wants the court to order him back in the band to avoid “irreparable harm” to him if Aerosmith is allowed to squeeze him out.

Aerosmith’s response to TMZ was, “We would be doing a disservice to Joey, to ourselves and to our fans to have him play without adequate time to prepare and rehearse. Compounding this, he chose to file a lawsuit on the Friday night of the holiday weekend preceding the Grammys with total disregard for what is our limited window to prepare to perform these important events.”

The statement continues, “Given his decisions he is unfortunately unable to perform, but of course we have invited him to be with us for both the Grammys and our MusiCares honor. We are bonded together by much more than our time on stage.”

Joey tells TMZ, “Being prohibited from playing with a band that I have given 50 years of my life to supporting, is beyond devastating. This is not about money. I am being deprived of the opportunity to be recognized along with my peers, for our collective, lifetime contributions to the music industry. Neither the MusiCares’ Person of the Year Award nor the Grammys’ Lifetime Achievement honors can ever be repeated.”

He continues, “I hope our fans can understand that all I’m trying to do is get back to playing with the band that they love – and that’s Aerosmith with all five original members. The greatest magic and success of Aerosmith happens when all the band’s founding members are together in the house.”

Finally, Joey says, “To be removed from my rightful place on stage to celebrate our success – a success that acknowledges my own life’s work, is just plain wrong.”

Joey’s legal team made a request Monday to get a judge to allow him to rehearse with Aerosmith, but no final decision was made … the case will be heard again Tuesday.

16 Responses

  1. Like everything, there is more to this then what is made public. Maybe Kramer really cannot perform anymore at an acceptable level. If that is indeed the case, a decision should have been made to put a close to Aerosmith as a whole rather than drag on with another drummer for maybe what? A couple more years? Whatever honors or awards they are up, they still could have received those together.
    Regardless of what, Steven Tyler would probably continue his solo act of syrupy ballads/country acting like he’s 19 and another blues retread from Joe Perry.

  2. I am one of those guys that thinks the last good Aerosmith album was Night In The Ruts. That being said, I grew up on Aerosmith as a kid in the 70’s, and With Joey Kramer out of the band, Aerosmith has lost the only living part of what is rock and roll. Joey has a groove like no other. Even on their crappy 90’s albums he was great. Money, money, money. That’s all these bands care about. Keep touring until someone has a stroke. Cha-ching. Us fans have not mattered in a very long time. Kiss take note. Aerosmith: cut the crap.

  3. Drumming is the most physically taxing instrument in a band, unfortunately those skills erode as you get older. When your drummer can`t keep time anymore on a consistent basis it affects the sound of the entire band . What do you do as a band when it starts affecting your performances ? Do you just deal with it and sound below par ? Do you replace him all together ? Or do you do something like what Priest is doing with Tipton by having him tour and doing a few songs each night ? I would say do the later . Bring him along for a handful of songs and have someone else drum the rest. I think that`s what they should have done for Ward as well. Our guys are getting really old these days and I think we might see more and more of this with other bands in the future.

  4. How am I supposed to be a fan of the band when this type of s–t goes down? You’re telling all 4 of the other guys say F U to Joey. Now way I believe that.

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