Teenage radio host Miles “The Shoe” Schuman spoke with drummer Carmine Appice at this year’s NAMM show (see video below) to ask why he is not playing with John Sykes.

Appice explained (transcribed via blabbermouth.net), “Well, because John wants to call it ‘John Sykes’ and not Blue Murder…I mean, it’s not Blue Murder. He’s gonna be doing John Sykes new album. He might do one or two Blue Murder songs. He’s gonna do Whitesnake[material]. He’s gonna do Thin Lizzy. That doesn’t really involve me.”

According to Appice, Sykes originally approached him about playing drums on the upcoming tour, but they had a difference in opinion on how it should be presented. “When we talked about it and John said he wanted to do that, I said, ‘Well, if we’re gonna do that, we can do some of my history songs, which are as big as yours, or bigger. But he wanted to call it ‘John Sykes and Blue Murder.’ I think it should just be ‘Blue Murder.’ Now he gets it. I talked to him the other day and I said, ‘Look, we’re gonna do some Blue Murder — some shows in America and Canada — and call it Blue Murder. But go do your John Sykes thing. Get it out of your system.’ We’re still friends. And hopefully, in a few months, when he gets all that done and he’s out doing it and finishes it, we can do a proper Blue Murder reunion. He’ll be out singing… He hasn’t been out singing… Singing Blue Murder vsongs is not easy. And singing Whitesnake] is not easy either. So he can be out there singing and playing and doing his thing. And then, hopefully when that’s done, we can maybe do a Blue Murder thing.”

8 Responses

  1. Didn’t Tony Franklin just say that there’s no Blue Murder reunion because of Carmine Appice’s health issues?…

    (Also, the News Page of this site right now is pretty much dominated by Blue Murder-related news…)

    1. Yes, he did, and yes it is, look at it as make up news, since there has been a drought for many years. If it is of no interest, you can simply skip it 🙂 .

  2. Carmine sounds like he has a bit of an ego to me. I dunno, I wouldn`t go to the show to hear “hot legs” thats for sure,lol. I wanna hear Johns music.

    1. Too bad Rod is going to be in Europe this year, no U.S. dates in 2019. Looks like you’ll have to wait till 2020 for some Hot Legs! 😉

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