
Drummer Vinny Appice has released a statement on Last In Line’s Facebook page that explains the cause of bassist Jimmy Bain’s death. Read his explanation below.

“Jimmy Bain – friend, brother and band mate passed away on Saturday January 23rd, 2016.

The Medical Examiner report states the official cause of death was lung cancer.

Jimmy didn’t know he had lung cancer, but he did know he had pneumonia and was receiving treatment for it. This didn’t stop him or slow him down, we had four rehearsals 4 hours a day, then a flight to Miami for The Def Leppard Rock Cruise. A pre-sail gig and sound check was scheduled for the following day. At the gig Jimmy played great and even sang that night while holding a heavy bass guitar on his back, never complaining or asking for help.

Next day we preceded to board the cruise ship for a 5 day voyage of which we were scheduled to play Sunday the 4th day.
That gig never happened as Jimmy passed away in his cabin the night before, we were devastated.

Jimmy was a trooper, he gave his all to the band he loved, the music he loved and the fans.He didn’t want to let anyone down.
I don’t know anyone that would have attempted this schedule while being this sick and not feeling well, a trooper.

He was so happy and proud of the new album we recorded, it so unfortunate and sad he didn’t live to see it released.
We were all looking forward to being on the road and playing together again, there was such a magic between us.

Our prayers go out to his family and so many friends and fans who will miss the amazing person that was Jimmy Bain.


Last In Line recently posted a tribute to Bain, it can be viewed here.

2 Responses

  1. Man first Lemmy now Jimmy not knowiong they had cancer untill the very end. Those 2 were tough mother truckers to play on through their illnesses like that. RIP

  2. Eddie, just had to say I loved your Trunk Nation show last night. The 3 interviews with the remaining Last In Line members was great. I especially thought Vivian’s interview was fascinating. The story about how the band came together, and how they agreed to split everything equally was cool. I especially respected the fact that Viv wanted everyone to know that Jimmy was finally sober and that he didn’t die of an overdose or anything related to it. The fact that it was important for him to get that out there on behalf of Jimmy and his family was outstanding on his part. Great job last night.

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