BillySheehan Bassist Billy Sheehan has confirmed there are plans for Van Halen singer David Lee Roth and the band for his solo debut album, Eat ‘Em And Smile, to reunite following the cancellation of their November 25th reunion attempt at the Lucky Strike Live in Hollywood.

Speaking with Eddie Trunk, Sheehan stated about more possible reunion attempts, “We hope to do it. We don’t know if it will be just for one show. Maybe do… who knows? Rock In Rio, or do ten shows somewhere. And hoping to do it is not the same as planning to do it. We really hope it happens. And Dave was into it. And he was great (at Lucky Strike Live). We had a great time. It was just like the old days. It’s been 30 years this last summer that we started the band, and next summer will be 30 years since the record came out, so we thought it would be nice to do something. And (Dave) seems into it. So I hope it can happen. It would just be a great way to complete that whole circle.”

David Lee Roth and his first solo band (which debuted on 1986’ Eat ‘Em And Smile), were to celebrate their 30th anniversary on Wednesday, November 25th at the Ultimate Jam Night at Lucky Strike Live Hollywood/Highland for a free show beginning at 8:30 PM. Roth himself was set to make an unannounced appearance at the event. This would have been the first time in 30 years that Roth would have performed with guitarist Steve Vai, bassist Billy Sheehan, drummer Greg Bissonette, and keyboardist Brett Tuggle.

However, the show was canceled at the last minute by the Fire Marshal. “I apologize about this evening”, he says. “Looks like we were too popular. There were too many folks, so we’re going to try and find a place that has… should we go to the Hollywood Palladium maybe?”


7 Responses

  1. There is a certain guitarist who is not going to tolerate this. Bass players have been banished permanently for far lesser offenses. For Dave to push the issue is sure to result in an ultimatum of “You’re either in, or your out,” or just an outright firing (again).

    1. I’d be really surprised if there is much more to DLR/VH that what has happened to date. Moderately successful comeback album, multiple successful greatest hits tours, and the money has been made. I can see releasing a song or two on some other version of a greatest hits package and touring again, but I doubt it. I think the DLR/VH is done, otherwise he wouldn’t have ever showed up with the Eat’em and Smile band that night.

      Nobody here needs to make a new album, and it certainly took forever for Ed to release any new music, regardless of a singer, which is unfortunate, because a musician of Edward’s caliber shouldn’t be sitting back and playing all his hits. However, it’s also clear that new music by these older bands is not high on the want list of anybody, they just want to hear the hits.

      But then, I could be wrong.

    2. …adding that Dave has already recorded a new solo album with John 5 that hasn’t been released.

      Also, remember to the ramp up to the VH album, Dave was completely silent. His website went dark/static for quite a while as well. I think he’s taken his website and all social media accounts down as of last year. Read into that whatever you may.

      his site now is a holding place/fan site.

  2. I’d love to see the EAT ‘EM AND SMILE lineup play live again. As T stated in his post, Steve and Billy are still at the top of their game. Dave’s not, but I’d still like to see them all perform those songs live again. Steve Vai and Billy Sheehan are so good, it’d be a shame if this reunion doesn’t happen. Who cares what EVH would have to say about it, and we all know he’ll say something about it eventually. Eddie Van Halen, as much of a guitar genius and a hero of mine that he is, seems like such a miserable human being. It’s like he fights letting himself be happy and for that, I kind of feel sorry for him. But he says things in the press that are so negative at times and it’s like he just wants to make the people around him as miserable as he is. So Dave should just go do what he wants to do and not worry about if it’s going to piss Edward off or not. If Van Halen decides to do another tour, they only have two real choices, maybe three (Gary?) and one of those choices will never happen and we all know who I’m talking about. So Dave should do this reunion with his original solo band and Ed can just deal with it.

  3. This would be great. Having seen VH on every tour since they reunited (good, but never better than the 1984 tour with Autograph opening!), I would like to see Eat Em and smile band reunite. This would totally rock!

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