Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler says he’s unsure if the band’s upcoming Aero-Vederci Baby Farewell Tour will be their last.

Guitarist Joe Perry reported last week that he thinks the band have at least one more album in them before they retire – and hinted that the upcoming live dates weren’t the last they would play together.

Now Tyler has told that he “can’t say for sure” if the end is in sight.

He explains, “We’ve gone through trying to get a job in a club that we thought was the only way we could pay our rent – to being in the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, and everything in between – rehabs, arguments, children being born, marriages coming and going, ups and downs, different managers, lawsuits and record labels.

We’ve done so much – one thing we’ve never done is a farewell tour, so you never know – it may wipe the slate clean of some of the problems, things that happen with each other.”

He adds, “The band’s been together for 40 years. Can you imagine? There are no marriages together for 40 years where the passion still runs as deep as it did the first 10 years, in my humble opinion – but the passion is still there.”

Tyler also admits he still gets emotional when Aerosmith are onstage and playing their classic tracks in front of their fans.

He says, “At rehearsal the other day, I haven’t seen the guys in a long time, and we have our differences. It’s outrageous the s–t that sometimes gets in the way.

But once we start playing, I get as emotional as people in the audience when they hear songs like Love In An Elevator or Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing or Walk This Way. It triggers their remembrances of way back when.

“The feeling you get playing, there’s nothing else like it. It’s like sex, it’s like an orgasm – what music can make you feel like – it’s the best friend you have, times 50.

“So I’m really looking forward to being on tour with them. Performing for two hours, my body wakes up, so it’s totally aerobic and it just turns into the way it was when I was 18, so it feels great.”

additional source: Classic Rock via

4 Responses

  1. I get it that Steven Tyler can’t say for sure if this is their “farewell”. I’m sure when the band is performing, the adrenaline starts flowing, and the fulfillment from entertainment is there, the band members probably feel they could do this forever. So, why announce “farewell” to a passion when you may change your mind midway through the tour, particularly when a band like Aerosmith is still very capable? And if a band tries to “sucker” fans to attend one of their “farewell” branded tours and the band eventually changes its mind, then that band loses a little credibility, in my eyes….

    1. As much as I love the band, “credibility” is not a word that comes to mind anymore when I think of Aerosmith. That train left the station (and kept a-rollin’) a LONG time ago…

  2. I’m pretty sure these guys are gonna play till they drop , I think their career will end up turning out a lot like the stones, and all original members are still together , that is a miracle

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