New Zealand AC/DC Phil Rudd Page Six of The New York Post reports:

AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd pleaded not guilty on Monday to breaching the rules of his home detention sentence by drinking alcohol.

A New Zealand judge allowed Rudd to remain in home confinement on bail pending a November hearing on the possible breach.

The 61-year-old Australian-born drummer could face further sanctions, including jail time, if the judge concludes Rudd was in breach of his conditions. However, drinking alcohol would likely be considered on the lower end of potential breaches.

Asked by reporters after the hearing if he was nervous about what lay ahead in the case, Rudd replied, “No, the only thing I’m nervous about is I don’t, I don’t actually know what’s going on.”

Asked how he would be spending time on bail, he responded with a lopsided grin. “Self-improvement,” he said before his lawyer hustled him into a waiting car.

Rudd’s erratic behavior outside the courthouse has become a feature of his recent appearances. At one hearing, he clowned around by jumping on the back of a security guard; at another, he raised his middle fingers to journalists. He typically doesn’t wear dentures, sometimes making his soft-spoken answers difficult to understand.

Rudd was sentenced to eight months of home confinement on July 9th after pleading guilty to threatening to kill a former employee and possessing methamphetamine and marijuana.

Rudd acknowledged in a court summary of facts that he’d offered cash, vehicles and a house to an associate after asking him to have the victim “taken out.” He also acknowledged that he’d directly said to the victim he was going to kill him.

Police then arrested Rudd at his home on July 18th, accusing him of possessing and drinking alcohol. He was subsequently given a new bail condition: that he undergo drug and alcohol testing whenever police request it.

Rudd’s lawyer Craig Tuck said Monday he is appealing Rudd’s convictions and sentence.

AC/DC is currently on tour with Welsh drummer Chris Slade.


13 Responses

  1. Phil needs to be in a serious rehab facility. Sitting at home, he’s going to fall off the wagon and I’m sure the authorities know that. Maybe that’s their plan: Give him some space and hope he gives in to temptation and then nail him. This is BS! He needs real help.

    1. I couldn’t have said it better myself James, definitely sounds like they’re trying to set Phil up. They know he needs help, he needs to be in rehab, this whole F’N thing sounds like a conspiracy to me!

    2. Sure, blame the authorities. Why not? It’s the norm nowadays. F**K THE POLICE! A junkie can only be helped when said junkie wants to be helped. Otherwise you’re just wasting your time.

    3. Medved, have you lost your mind? F**K THE POLICE? What the hell is wrong with you? NOBODY is saying that at all! Not here anyway, all we’re saying is obviously Phil needs help, THAT’S ALL! The authorities should have sentenced him to rehab where maybe, just maybe he can turn his life around, sentencing him to home detention is not going to help him, or anybody else for that matter. The authorities in this case know he’s a time bomb and they’re just waiting for, and wanting him to explode! WHY? You tell me.

    4. Medved, whoa, relax. You seem to be getting wound up. How is your blood pressure? Everything is going to be ok. Stay calm. I am not sure your bacon heart can handle the stress.

    5. Medved, I’m not blaming the authorities because at the end of the day, all this is Phil’s fault. And you’re correct that an addict will get help when they themselves are ready to clean up their act. Phil sitting at home, knowing how he’s been, is a recipe for failure. Any judge or law enforcement agent should know that. Doug’s right by saying Phil should have been sentenced to mandatory rehab. That’s done in our country all the time. I want Phil to get clean, get his life back, get the law off his case and get back behind that drum kit. So he needs to be in rehab getting help from people who can hopefully help him.

  2. Phil, you should have called me. After last winter, I know all that there is about being stuck at home. What to do? How about every episode of every Law and Order ever. Okay. Actually use primer before you paint and not that bul#$it paint/ primer mix. Not bad. Book ideas: Moby Dick, Les Miserables and The Named and the Dead. Getting there. Baking fish sticks and not microwaving them. Better tasting for sure. Keep up with all birthdays using cards instead of Facebook. More thoughtful. Make your coffee the real way, not that one cup thing. Clean the inside of your car with a lint roller. Purchase a happy light. Finally, blog like a loon that Led Zeppelin stole Spirit’s song. There, 8 months gone. Easy indeed.

    1. Hey Rich…I mean Michael, you want a laugh? Read my reply on the Nugent page, LET’S GO METS!

    2. I’m never using that paint with the primer mix again. Complete bs. Fool me once…..

    3. This guy’s life is on the line and this is the dumb s–t you come up with? Hey dumb retard, TMZ is always looking for “talent.”

  3. Aside from those events, I am the proud owner of double CD made by some industry heavyweights called LULU. It runs for 90 minutes and actually feels like 180. It follows a young woman who is a deformed serial killer in Germany or someplace in like 1930 and and and…..I have no idea. Anyways if you would like to borrow it, it’s yours. In some countries, listening to LULU can reduce your sentence.

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