An early thank you to all those who have sent me happy birthday tweets, emails and posts. I turn 50 on Friday 8/8 which is totally MINDBLOWING to me! Where the hell did the time go? But I truly believe rock keeps you young because I sure as hell don’t feel that old. I am fortunate to have made a life and career out of my love of this music and I am incredibly grateful to all of you for the amazing support you have given me to make it all happen. When I started right out of high school working at a record store and being a gopher at my local NJ radio station (WDHA) with the dream of being on air playing the music I love I could have never imagined to be where I am at 50. Two national radio shows, two books, a TV show, and now a top podcast? Crazy! So THANK YOU for not only the birthday wishes but for supporting me on all this stuff. SO much more I still want to do! Love to do more on radio and actively looking for new opportunities on the TV side, especially during the long down time between TMS seasons (we won’t do new shows until January as per VH1). I’ve worked for it, but I’ve also been blessed to have a following of people that have supported me along the way. No farewell tours for me! Hoping even bigger and better things are ahead. So thank you again for the support and the birthday wishes. Could not have done it without you!

I leave for Montana tomorrow. I am on the road non stop this Summer. Never been to Montana so look forward to it. I’ll be at Rockin The Rivers this Fri (where I will celebrate the big 5-0) and Saturday. Then my first trip to Bogota the following weekend.

All new podcast goes up tonight just after midnight. Honored to have Brian May from Queen this week in an all new exclusive interview! Plus I answer your emails. Subscribe with Itunes and listen on www.podcastone.com The Eddie Trunk Podcast is FREE and available WORLDWIDE!

Eddie Trunk Rocks FM syndicated show is all new this weekend and features some of my King Diamond interview. That full interview up now in the podcast.

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