More tragic news from the Adrenaline Mob accident yesterday when it was announced the bands road manager Janet Rains (AKA Jane Train) passed away due to her injuries. My understanding is she was badly burned and had been fighting for her life ever since the horrific crash. A knew Janet many years ago. She was on the NJ club rock scene and had a band called Little Sister I would often see playing around the area and opening many shows. She was a talented singer and nice person and had a huge passion for rock. I hadn’t seen or spoken to her in a number of years, and wasn’t even aware of the “Jane Train” nick name. But I certainly did know her and remember her band. Another very very sad loss. Janet was just beginning a career working on a rock road crew. She will be missed and my condolences to her family and friends and the Amob crew. RIP Janet.

Alice Cooper is live in studio with me on my Volume show tomorrow 2-4P ET. Hear it on SiriusXM 106 with a live studio audience. Alice joins me at 3P ET. Like all show it will replay 9-11P ET and be On Demand on the SiriusXM app. Tuesday Deep Purple is in for a live studio visit and Town Hall during my show. Same time, same channel! This Monday my good friend Brian Slagel sits in to talk about the 35th anniversary of Metal Blade records. Live 2-4P ET on 106.

My FM show for the weekend debuts tomorrow 11P ET on Q104.3 NYC and WAAF Boston. Both stations stream free.

New podcast now up free at www.podcastone.com and Itunes. Interviews with Stephen Pearcy, Dee Snider and Robert Mason this week!

2 Responses

  1. I love Brian Slagel’s Metal Blade Records. So many of the bands and musicians I enjoy made their debuts on the label’s early Metal Massacre compilation series. If it wasn’t for the compilation series, there are many bands that I may never have discovered. While some went on to some level of success, many did not…Warlord was the one band I thought should have had greater success.

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