Been asked by many for my review of the new Ace Frehley album. I have been living with it for a while now and premiered the title track last night on my radio show. I have been hesitant to post a review because many will feel it will be bias because of my long time friendship with him. However anyone who TRULY follows me and what I do knows I give my honest view regardless of personal relationships on all things. So with that in mind here’s my take; this is a very solid hard rock album. Is it a masterpiece? No. Is it as good as the ’78 record? No, but in some ways pretty damn close. But it is not 1978 and Ace is not 30, and we haven’t had 35 years to live with this to see how it holds up. But it is an album better than many will expect and certainly delivers in many areas. It is pretty simple really. If you are an Ace fan, love his persona, attitude and playing, you will love the album. The album has a space theme running throughout. Maybe a statement of ownership from the original (and in my opinion only) spaceman? Production is solid. It sounds live, guitars loud, and it really jumps out at you (maybe at times a bit too much). Maybe the most amazing thing about the album is Ace’s voice. Obviously he was never Freddie Mercury, but in a Keith Richards sort of way he has an attitude and conviction in his voice that people love and more than makes up for any lack of range. People love when he sings and it clearly worked during the Kiss years with Shock Me, NY Groove and many others. Ace’s voice is strong and out front throughout. Really impressed how well he’s belting it out. And his playing is maybe better than it’s been in a very long time. My only complaint being that some songs fade on solos that I wish would stay up another 30 seconds or so. Always hated when my favorite albums and players have songs that fade while there is tasty guitar stuff happening. But everything has to end at some point I guess. As for the songs the best of them are the title track, the lead single “Gimme A Feelin” (best shot at real airplay as a single to me), “I Wanna Hold You” (another possible single), “Immortal Pleasures” (different vibe, great vocal and Ace singing about the good times.), “What Every Girl Wants” (another possible single), and “Past The Milky Way” (a classic space vibe that reminds me of something from the ’78 album, great solos, fades too soon though. Would love it to just keep going!). The space theme continues with the album closer, an instrumental titled “Starship” that does give a nod to Fractured Mirror and clocks in at around 8 minutes. Again some of Ace’s best soloing and guitar sounds in a very long time. The guy that influenced so many closing out with a sonic blend of guitars on top of guitars! The final thing heard is Ace asking if “anyone has seen George Jetson”, followed by his classic cackle! Again, classic Ace! The Steve Miller cover ofย “The Joker” is fine but I would have liked to see him make it more his own. The tracks I didn’t mention are far from throw aways, but material wise I like the above tracks best. It really is a fine album that is best served listened to as a complete experience. And here is what’s really great about it. It truly has the classic Kiss vibe running through it naturally. While that band continues to try and make records that sound like classic Kiss by making two fine musicians in Tommy and Eric play like the people they have to portray, Ace IS classic Kiss. It’s the genuine artifact! The album drips with the spirit of classic Kiss and classic Ace from top to bottom naturally. It is all Ace knows. And if you are a fan that’s a damn good thing! Regardless of the attempts at times from the current Kiss to diminish his contributions, when you listen to Space Invader it becomes incredibly obvious just how much Ace meant to Kiss in his sound, playing and attitude. And this album proves he still has it in spades, or Ace’s… As Gene Simmons said himself during his R&R Hall Of Fame speech, Ace has often been imitated but never duplicated. Now there’s something I can truly say I agree with from Gene! Again, if you are/were a Kiss/Ace fan, nothing not to love here. Clearly Ace’s years of sobriety have reinvigorated him to create an album far better than anyone might have expected at this point in his career. And Space Invader is sonic proof just how vital he truly was (as was Peter) to the sound and concept of Kiss. Welcome back to the one and only Space Ace!
PS: There is a deluxe version of the album with two bonus tracks. But those tracks are only radio edits of two songs on the album. So unless you are super hardcore or want the digipak and poster the regular version has essentially the same material.
198 Responses
We must have listened to two different recordings by the same name. I admit it had its moments. The aforementioned Gimme A Feelin certainly qualifies. But to say this is classic Ace is a stretch. The fact you couldnt get through a review of this album ithout fanning the flames of your one sided feud with Gene only showed your bias. Sorry eddie but I call bullshit on this one buddy.
Fanning the flames? So Kiss should not be mentioned in a review from their founding guitarist? This is why I wasn’t even going to post a review. It is a no win for me in some peoples heads…
Eddie, that’s because those people are headless/clueless/heartless etc. Ignore them. They’re blinded by hate and will never see the light. So let the MUSIC do the talking, and the B.S. do the walking. Cheers! ๐
No reason to slam Tommy and eric, they have nothing to do with clasic Kiss or Ace’s mediocre at best new solo record. The constant crying about the current Kiss lineup is ruining your credibility. Let it go and take the high road for once.
Sorry I wasn’t aware I couldn’t give MY opinion. As for slamming how exactly did I do that?? Apparently you chose to ignore the part about “two talented musicians”? You missed the entire point. Has NOTHING to do with them as people or players, everything to do with the box they are forced to operate in. MY opinion, and many others even though they won’t say it public. As usual anything positive I say about anything to do with current Kiss glossed right over.
hilarious how Eddie always loses his shit.
I didn’t miss the point, you injected a comment about the current Kiss to take your predictable dig at them because Ace and Peter are not in the band. YES, they are forced to play in a box, they are NOT Ace and Peter, they are NOT “classic Kiss” WE GOT IT. MESSAGE RECEIVED. Terrific……but we want to hear about the new ACE RECORD, not your dislike of current KISS. This comment has NOTHING to do with the new Ace album:
“While that band continues to try and make records that sound like classic Kiss by making two fine musicians in Tommy and Eric play like the people they have to portray,”
Your backhanded compliment of “two talented musicians” doesn’t equate to positivity towards the current Kiss, it’s just another passive aggressive comment to make sure we all know you don’t approve of the new Kiss.
No one is saying you can’t give your opinion, but at least OWN IT for what it is and stop playing the victim (like Ace and peter do with Kiss) every time we call you on it. When you contaminate your Ace review with “new KISS” comments, people might get annoyed. You saw the new Ace record sounds like classic Kiss? Great. No need to mention the current Kiss in Ace’s review, we don’t care and it has nothing to do with Ace.
Why would I give “positivity” to the current Kiss when I have said for years I don’t like what they do and think it’s disrespectful to the bands legacy? Your issue is that you disagree and obviously do, which is fine. It’s my review and when the other band takes so much time telling you how insignificant Ace was, then you hear the record, it strikes you.That’s the point!
You’re the one who said “As usual anything positive I say about anything to do with current Kiss glossed right over.” I took that to mean positivity toward the current lineup but apparently it means something else?
Again, I don’t see how this comment:
โWhile that band continues to try and make records that sound like classic Kiss by making two fine musicians in Tommy and Eric play like the people they have to portray,โ
was necessary. Eric and Tommy didn’t kick Ace out of Kiss. Eric and Tommy don’t run KISS. Let it go already jeez just be happy both bands are making new music. Pretty soon, neither will.
You are missing my entire point. I was defending Tommy and Eric. Not their fault they have to play, dress and act like someone else. I was saying something positive about them. They are being limited in my view of truly putting their mark on Kiss having to be these people. I sure as hell don’t feel positive about the decisions the people running the show have made! Again, my opinion. To some there was no way I could win talking about Ace..
Again, I got the point, I just don’t feel it’s necessary to mention Kiss at all let alone Eric and Tommy. Agree to disagree I guess.
It just gets old that you inject a dig at Kiss in almost any and every interview. I mean even an interview with Mick Mars somehow gets Kiss crow barred in. The worst part is that you get all defensive when it’s pointed out. Sorry man, it is what it is. If you don’t want to accept the criticism then stop the constant Kiss bashing. Millions of fans still like what they’re doing, we got it, you don’t like the current situation.
Still like the show, just wish the bias would stop creeping in
Very unfortunate you read it that way. To some Kiss fans everything I do or say somehow connects with Kiss. As for constant bashing that is so false and that does piss me off. 99% of my history in ALL eras of Kiss has been defending them and supportive. As usual that is NEVER acknowledged. And Ace hasn’t endured a ton of bashing from the other side?
Eddie and Kyle Butler need a show!
So you’re supposed to write a review of an Ace Frehley album without any mention of Kiss at all? That’s about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Thanks for the review Eddie – was definitely interested to hear your take.
Ed Trunk Says You are missing my entire point. I was defending Tommy and Eric. Not their fault they have to play, dress and act like someone else
Ed, i guess you are so far out of touch with the current KISS lineup that you dont know this.
Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer dont play NOTHING like Peter or Ace. Peter Criss at his best is not even on the same level as Eric Singer and Tommy Thayer was influenced by Ace so of course some of his licks are gonna be Ace like but Ace ripped of Page so really they are Page licks. You need to get your facts straight. Your KISS information you spread is not accurate. Please do some research first!
forgot, they just happen to be dressed like that…
If you’re not intentionally digging at Kiss then I’m sorry but that’s how it comes off on TMS and your radio show IMO. It just seems that Kiss comes up a lot for seemingly no reason other than to take a little dig at them. But whatever.
I’m a fan of all Kiss eras, obviously the original was the best but I’m fine with what they’re doing. Ace was fine when he was in Kiss and Eric wore the catman makeup and I believe Peter was in the band at a time when Tommy wore the spaceman makeup so it seems like a few fans are the only ones worked up about it? Lifes’ too short to be upset about something so silly. I know Ace and Peter are your friends, so of course there’s a bias but it jsut gets old is all I’m saying
I love how people think every time Kiss comes up is “digging” at them and ignore the countless top 5 best of lists I put them on during TMS not to mention my screaming for years to get them into the HOF or 25 years of all Kiss radio specials. All the focus is on 5% I don’t like while ignoring 95% positives as usual. Not one acknowledgement ever that I actually have played and supported ALL eras of the band for 30 plus years. Unlike so many of the TV and radio shows they do on a regular basis.
It’s called context. You have to mention KISS.
Eddie your entitled to your opinion if people can’t handle your opinion oh well.I preordered Space Invader on iTunes and I am hooked on Gimme A Feelin Ace has never sounded better and his playing has improved allot since he’s sober.
The Joker I’m hooked on to yes I sushi Ace put more of his own twist on it,but it is a solid sing,and again Ace sounds phenomanal.Nothing will come close to 78 Ace but with Ace being sober and his playing the way it is in my opinion it is just a matter of time until Ace will be back in Kiss. Gene and Paul don’t admit it but they will be keeping a eye on sales for Aces new album.
If Gene really wants to make money he needs to do the the right thing and bring back Ace.
“If Gene really wants to make money”?
Umm…earth to the Greg, I doubt Gene is sweating financial issue’s right now.
Some of you really need to think before you post.
I try to ignore posts that make these ridiculous assumptions. Seems like there is a great deal of projects that Gene and Paul will more than benefit from financially even if they disbanded Kiss. Then again not everyone knows this unless they read the news. CNN, Fox, and who knows how many other news stations are always reporting about Gene and Paul’s business ventures: restaurants, football teams, and other business deals. Their children’s great grandchildren will be set for life lol! I think the only reason they keep Kiss going is because they are proud and they love it .
I’d rather see Ace on his own everything he does with KISS gets diluted by Gene and Paul.
they think they’re the only ones that know how to right songs and second guessed everything he ever did with them. Vinnie Vincent and Bruce Kulick have also said so much.
People who live in their moms basements have nothing else to do but complain. Going to pick up my copy today. Hopefully they make a vinyl. I love getting those signed. I just got my motorhead aftershock picture disk for Lemmy and the boys to sign on the MOTORBOAT. http://WWW.MOTORHEADCRUISE.COM
Ed i liked your review but i do kinda wish you hadn’t brought current the Kiss music into the review…thats a whole other topic for a different conversation that has been beaten to death IMO…but again thanks for your review!
Eddie- Looks like you have alot of the same type of “Fans” Stern has. Fans that exist only to rip ya! I think your great. Keep up the great work and “Baba Booey to you all!”
It is almost like these people are hoping you will give it a crappy review…and are dissapointed because you actually like it. i have no idea where this guy is getting “fanning the flames” when all you did was agree with Gene’s quote about there only being ONE Ace Frehley, i also have no clue where this other guy was thrown off by your mention of Tommy and Eric. Your statement was pretty black and white and i knew exactly what you meant by it, and it was also a fact.
Common sense seems to be a gift, and it is astonishing how some people can take something the wrong way when it is clearly and litterally spelled out in black and white for them.
I think it was a very honest review.
it is better than most i have read actually, there are some i have read where the person was clearly kissing Ace’s ass..
I respect your opinion of the cd.
Myself, i havent heard the whole thing yet. i have heard 3 tracks from it.
I honestly have to say that i am very dissapointed with what i have heard so far.
But i will agree that Ace’s voice sounds great.
i was VERY dissapointed in the solo’s i heard, they were more of a tease than anything.
a 7 second solo on an Ace Frehley record just does not seem right.
Ace said he was using his 78 album as a template, but it looks like he forgot to add the main ingredient… “THE SOLO’S”. People get bent out of shape when KISS is mentioned in these reviews….it is funny to me. How could KISS , “NOT” be mentioned in an Ace Frehley review? Ace WAS the KISS sound. It is unavoidable. Ace’s albums sound more like KISS than KISS’ albums do….If Paul Stanley were to sing on Ace’s last two cd’s. they would have been the best KISS albums since Revenge.
Hey Eddie,
Didn’t know you a feuding with Gene(Ace cackle laugh). Ridiculous
you need to review the New Kix album
Eddie I guess u just cant win…u decide to post a review and catch hell cuz u mention cheater criss and fake frehley…I guess we are all supposed to drink the kiss kool aid…anyway, it sounds like its a good album and cant wait to BUY it…
Eddie was right……some people just have zero perspective and run with their emotions…..laughable…..Joe in The Cuse
I can’t wait to get my preorder in the mail! On a side note Paul Stanley says KISS had to play the same set list with Ace, but saw Ace at house of blues in A.C. On the Anomaly tour and he played deep cuts like Strange Ways, She and Flaming Youth…you won’t hear those on the Kiss tour, who has the stale set list Paul?
It’s always the same 30 songs.
Thanks for the review! Can’t wait to get it next week and can’t wait to see Ace tonight on Jimmy Fallon!
Keep rockin’ Eddie! \m/ \m/
I’ve read 20 reviews on Space Invader. Good or bad ( I think there were 2 bad), every review mentions Kiss. It’s just unavoidable. Most mention Gene or Paul by name somehow as well. It’s always gonna be that way for Ace. I don’t see any bias in Eddie’s review…
And it’s about time you posted one Eddie… (Just kidding, I see how busy you have been lately).
Agreed, Gene’s comments were correct as far as Space Ace often being imitated but NEVER duplicated! Not even by his understudy/prodigy/clone Tommy Thayer. Even without the makeup, Ace is still Ace, somebody Thayer or anybody else will never be. Rock on Ace! ๐