Last night we posted a story in the news section that was sent to me via Twitter about Kiss replacing Gene and Paul and continuing on with a band of no original members. We later found out the original story was from 2008. While the haters will just attack and say it was calculated to further some insane anti – Kiss agenda (love how I am so anti Kiss and STILL PLAY ALL THEIR MUSIC, too funny!), I left it up for two reasons. One the amount of differing opinions on this generated in comments was interesting and ALL views were posted, and two this is still the plan and closer than ever to happening! If this is what they were planning 6 years ago it is really just around the corner now! Clearly the way they do it might be altered but this is still happening and the band has discussed it in the press even recently. So nothing has changed except for it is more imminent! I am hearing maybe two years away from launching at this point with the current (Gene and Paul) band having maybe one more run left after the current tour. What was stunning about this is how many saw it as major news they never heard? This has been talked about and discussed for a long time by Gene and Paul. So no mater where you fall on it I decided to leave it up because I found ALL sides of the reaction interesting and posted ALL response to it. Unlike some I respect and appreciate all opinions and they are represented here as well as my radio and TV shows. But to see this as some crazy dated story that is no longer the plan is not the case. Some may want to live in some fantasy land but all our heroes are getting older (so are we!) and how they handle the end of their careers will be interesting. Who really retires, who stuck around too long, who does bands with no original members. All good debate and all welcome here.

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177 Responses

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  • Todd on

    They should just use animatronic replica figures (Think characters from “it’s a small world after all”) that move only when controlled by joysticks. When you start them up, the automation says,
    We’re KISS, Good night “insert current city here”!

  • Mr Dave on

    A KISS franchise. I wonder if there will be more than one band?

  • the hair on

    i think its a dumb idea to have a cover band, i lost all respect 4 kiss at their induction into the rock hall, all bands played but they did not, i wont go c them again, even if they paid me 2 show up n thats sad cuz ive never missed a show in detroit for 30 years, oh well i guess they made their money off me

  • fj on

    I believe a new Kiss will only be started once Gene or Paul dies. Once this happens only then will the last member decide to implement this plan to keep Kiss going for generations to come. It is all about money and ego with Gene and Paul and neither will leave the band until there to sick,old or dead.

    • schocoman on

      So that’ll be … next year?? Not dead, I mean, voice shot, moves gone, fans sick an tired of the same old banter ….

  • Mike on

    Eddie — I’m like you in that I’ve been a KISS fan from back in the early days, and I know that the day is going to come when the rockers we grew up with are going to the old rockers home and the days of having any of the original members of the band in place is coming very soon. I’m not sure that I can grasp the concept of KISS existing WITHOUT Gene and/or Paul…they’ve been with the band from the beginning and, in all honesty, I see their positions as irreplaceable because of the characters that they are and what part they play in the band’s show. Quite honestly, I never noticed that much of a change musically at first when Eric replace Peter or even when Tommy replaced Ace, but they’ve developed and helped give the band new life. Can the same happen when Gene and/or Paul step down? If one goes and the other follows later, that might happen…but if they both go at the same time I think that would be too much to ask of the “new” version of the band to take on.

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