My debut podcast is now live and available free worldwide via Itunes and www.podcastone.com . Thanks for all the great early response and thanks to Judas Priest for being my first ever guests. Hard to ask for more than the metal Gods! Since it has now launched you can subscribe to get them sent every week to your device. This is all new to me and I’m learning as I go but so far it’s a fun new addition. Also we had some issues with the audio of the interview with Priest. Did the best we could to salvage. Future interviews will not sound like that. But content is king and thought it best to run anyway. New episodes will post every Thursday. Please note this is a talk only format. No music is allowed due to publishing laws. Thanks for all the support and hope you guys like what’s coming.

Just took my kids to see Katy Perry at MSG. Although not my music I must say it was a massive production in the sold out arena and I give her credit for putting on a great show and really singing and writing her songs. Hoping my kids get more into rock as they get older but won’t force them. I also know when I was their age I was into pop too. So we will see.

Lots of debate on this site on all sides about the eventual no original Kiss members discussion. Mostly all of it has been intelligent and interesting. For those that accuse me of posting dated news to “stir the pot” (I already admitted I didn’t know it was from ’08 at the time) you may want to realize that Paul also said this would happen THIS YEAR. Several times including on Ron & Fez and in RS. Amazing to some I can be the enemy for discussing a topic THEY said they would eventually do! If people got this crazy at the discussion can’t wait to see what happens when they actually do it. And somehow some will find a way to blame me for that too. Scary!

Tonight I took the kids to see Katy Perry, tomorrow night is my night to go see JOE PERRY and Aerosmith! This Perry a bit more my scene haha. And look forward to seeing Slash and the guys as well. Slash wrote the forward for my second book and always good to see him and hang with the guys. Reports from that show tomorrow via Twitter @EddieTrunk

Don’t forget I am back on AAF/Boston THIS Friday 11P ET and every Friday!

Book signing and selling THIS Wednesday at Retroactive Myrtle Beach SC 5-7P.

I’ll be hosting the Winery Dogs in Boston at The Wilbur Theater 8/1 and then me, Don and Jim perform there 8/2.

10 Responses

  1. While both of my sons (now 4 and 8) were in their mother’s womb, I had headphones on my wife’s tummy gently serenading my boys with The Who, UFO, AC/DC, Metallica, etc…etc….etc…..

    At the dinner table each night we talk politics, current events, formulate opinions….go over a band’s lineup and make certain the boys know the band’s discography. Life is good-I am blessed. 🙂

    1. My son is 5. The other day he says to me, “Dad? You know what my favorite band is? HEAVY METAL!” Brought a tear to my eye. BTW, he LOVES the new Priest album. He says the guitar player rocks. 🙂

  2. Eddie, phenomenal job on the podcast. Really enjoyed it, despite the audio problems (it was almost impossible to understand the guys when they were talking – but I’m not beating you up on it).

    Curious about something, though. You’ve been very against Steel Panther being the opening act on here, but you never challenged the band about it when interviewing them (unless I missed it). Why is that? Again, not attacking you. I’m just curious.

    Looking forward to the next podcast! Thank you for doing this. Do you ever sleep?

    1. eddie wasnt against steel panther touring with priest. he just thought that a more “traditional” metal band would have made more sense, although he says that he understood why they chose them. it was also brought up during the podcast during the segment where fans send in their questions for the band. eddie made his opinion known and the band also elaborated on why they chose steel panther. anyways, great first podcast ed. the mighty priest is my all time favorite band and the new cd kick serious ass- classic priest all the way!! halford sounds great as well.

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