Want to thank all the guys in Def Leppard for having me at their rehearsal yesterday for their coming tour with Journey. Vivian invited me down to see the full production and I ended up doing my radio show from their rehearsal. Joe and Phil stopped in and joined me on the air from backstage. It’s pretty damn cool to see a giant stage show and world class rock band play in a totally empty arena. As I’ve said many times, regardless of what you think of their music, you have to respect this band. What they’ve been through and endured, the music they make, and how they have come back to being a major act again. It’s a unique thing to be in the inner circle of a band and see them all still use the same dressing room, hang out and talk to each other, and respect each other. And that’s what Leppard do. They also do something truly amazing, play and sing all LIVE! In the era of tons of bands running pre recorded tracks live, Leppard actually SING! And if any band could be excused putting some vocals on tracks it would be Leppard given how their albums were recorded. But they do the work and do it live warts and all. It sounds amazing and they deserve huge props for it. All the guys were looking and sounding great and in great spirits and I appreciate them having me. The tour starts Monday in CT.

Remember to check ET’s Box Office to enter to win tix, especially if in the NYC area!

Congrats to all my Rocklahoma winners. See you in Pryor next weekend!

My weekend TrunkNation replay is 8-10P ET Saturday and Sunday on SiriusXM 106 Volume. Guests include Def Leppard and Jason Hook of FFDP. Remember SiriusXM is free to all right now!

My new TV series TrunkFest starts 7/1 on AXS TV. Check my social media for a teaser video of the first episode!

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