Back from another great trip to Tulsa. Had a blast hosting Slaughter this past Saturday at IDL Ballroom. Great crowd and great show! Once again thanks to Doug Burgess for having me and his hospitality. I’ll be back again 4/13 for LA Guns next! Tickets now at Stubwire.

Guests already this week on TrunkNation on SiriusXM have been Mercedes and Morgan of Kittie, Joe and ZZ Satriani, and Michael Schenker and Don Jamieson. Needless to say the week is off to a great start! Tomorrow/Wednesday is my second ever Trunk Top 20 featuring my top 20 Kiss songs of all time! Listen to the countdown 2-4 & 9-11P ET on channel 106 Volume. Then Thursday I am live 2-4P ET hearing your lists and celeb lists! Should be a fun couple days for Kiss fans to debate and dissect!

9 Responses

  1. 1. Black Diamond
    2, Goin’ Blind
    3. Love Gun
    4. Detroit Rock City
    5. Flaming Youth.
    6. Calling Dr. Love
    7. Shock Me

    After this… in any order pretty much up through ’79

    Great show!

    1. It makes sense now…you were the record company exec already at 12…lol.

      God of Thunder from Alive II, Black Diamond from Alive!…I need to try and make one show from those two live albums. Those two songs are worth the price of those records.

      I’ve made my own Kiss record from the four solo records…that would’ve been such a great Kiss record; just take the best songs….Peter’s Out Of Control has a few songs that really would’ve helped out Unmasked…put the best Ace songs on some of those Kiss records from the 80s…

      Surprisingly inspirational show today.

    2. Side one- Radioactive / Tonight You Belong To Me / It’s Alright / New York Groove / Take Me Away
      Two – Rip It Out / Tunnel of Love / Easy Thing / Love In Chains

      If they would’ve just put that out after Alive II, they wouldn’t have missed a beat.

      Then you still have 5 Paul songs for the next record.

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