Tremendous response to our season premiere of That Metal Show last night with Geddy Lee, John Petrucci and Joe Elliott. I just returned from gigs in Pittsburgh and haven’t watched yet but the social media feedback was great! Thanks especially to Geddy Lee. We need huge names like this to help keep this show alive and him coming to do TMS for the second time was huge and a great way to debut! Having support from these major bands and names really helps keep growing the show greatly and I appreciate it. Amazing how many people commented on us wearing collared shirts and not band shirts. Some thought there was now a VH1C dress code which is really funny. The truth is we are in NYC in the Winter and it’s often cold on the set. If it helps at all my shirt had a small Marilyn Manson logo above the pocket, but you couldn’t see it without HD, which VH1C is still not in. And speaking of that a ton of people still pound me about the HD thing. Trust me, it is as frustrating for me as it is for you in 2015 to be talking about this! But I do NOT own the network and have NO control over it. We are shot in HD but until the channel upgrades it can’t be seen that way sadly. Has nothing to do with me and is absurd to be talking about at this stage of the game but out of my hands. At times Palladia will air some shows in HD and you can also see them on the computer close to that way at www.thatmetalshow.vh1.com . Also use that link to see the show if you don’t have VH1 Classic. I do not control if you can get it outside the USA either, sorry. We shoot the next episode this Tuesday with all members of Anthrax and Alex Skolnick on guitar. Thanks again for watching.

Thanks to all who came to the Rex Theater in Pittsburgh Saturday night for two killer live shows I did with Don & Jim. My first time in Pitt and it was a blast! Yes I had a Premonti’s Brothers!

Live on SiriusXM tomorrow 6-10P ET on channel 39 TRUNKNation. Much to play and say!

Be sure to check out my latest podcast with Robin Zander! Free now on Itunes or at www.podcastone.com

15 Responses

  1. That really was a great opening show. Although, honestly, the debate over the best UK 70’s band was, at best, absurd. I think the online results were more accurate.

    BTW, Eddie, who types stuff for things that go on screen? Tell the kid to learn how to spell “PRIEST.” He misspelled it twice! 🙂

    Perhaps the most interesting discussion of the show was missed, however. I was so intrigued by Geddy Lee talking to John Petrucci. He kept saying he was “haunted by that album,” referring to Exit Stage Left. He was really adamant about how the audience was mixed. Wonder why, if that was the case, they didn’t re-mix it to his liking.

    Eddie, can you chime in if that discussion went further and how it went?

    Oh, and, yeah, Jen? Smokin. Wow.

  2. Getty Lee, great interview. John Petrucci, an amazing artist who always makes me want to burn my guitar in despair. And congratulations on getting sponsorship from LL Bean (nice dad shirts).

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