Today is the 11th anniversary of the tragic fire in Rhode Island at the Station night club where so many rock fans perished. I will never forget the images of the news footage and seeing the horror of that evening unfold. It resonated with me and so many that attend rock shows on a regular basis in clubs. Just thought it important to take a second to remember those that lost their lives and the families and friends impacted. Hard to believe 11 years have passed already. RIP to those who passed on that horrific night.


Tons of people asking me what’s going on with Kiss and the HOF. Do I know stuff? Yes. Am I saying anything, no. Not trying to be cryptic but stuff has been changing ever since it was announced the band were to finally be inducted. There are no doubt very different opinions and feelings about how it should all go down. All you need to do is read or listen to interviews that have come out by the various members or read some of the posts on their Twitter, etc. Once official statements are made I’ll certainly comment as a fan. For the time being I am letting the process play out and helping behind the scenes when asked. All that is set in stone at this moment is that Ace, Peter, Gene & Paul are being inducted (no other members in the bands history are being inducted, but that does not mean they might not be represented in some way). Who plays, if they play, if they all show, all still to be announced. The person inducting them will be announced soon. Everything else is still being sorted behind the scenes and I expect an announcement of some sort to come from someone very soon. Wish I could tell you more but there is much going on behind the scenes and whatever happens will come from official channels likely sooner than later. There has been lots of rumor and speculation out there and much of it not accurate. Like many of you who have waited and pushed for this for a very long time, I also hope it goes off in the best of ways. After all we can all agree it’s happening about 15 years later than it should have!


Checked out some new music from a new band called KXM featuring George Lynch, Dug Pinnick and Ray Luzier. Some slamming playing!


TONS of response coming in from all the great Mexican fans about my appearance at the Hell & Heaven Festival next month. An honor to be a part of it. To those asking about meeting me or getting a photo I hope to have details on a brief meet & greet opportunity soon. I am there at the direction of the promoter and will let you know more when we get closer. Also just added an appearance in Largo FL hosting Jake E Lee gig at the Cultural Center March 28th. Then off to host the MOR Cruise from there. Many gigs coming, keep an eye on the home page listing of appearances.

17 Responses

  1. I think Paul Stanley saying the HOF inducted Kiss “begrudgingly” said it all. He really put his views into perspective, almost showing emotion, almost, lol. I love what he said when asked if it was an honor to be inducted and replied “NO”. He almost sounded like a certain host of a certain metal show who likes to say “rohfl

  2. Whew! I didn’t see you mention Kiss in your last couple posts. Glad to see you are back on track of telling us something about the drama in Kiss, especially around the RRHoF in every single post. And, nice that there is nothing new to report since a post on it from at least a year ago says all the same stuff.

  3. Thanks for the memory of that star-crossed night, and all the souls who perished. I don’t think Great White ever recovered. Portland recently enacted legislation that requires any club with a capacity of 200 or more be retrofitted with automatic sprinkler systems–good call.

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