It’s rare that I post non music related stuff here, but in a way this is kind of music related. I want to take a second to offer a huge congratulations to my dear friend Mike Piazza on his induction into the MLB HOF! For long time listeners of my radio shows you know Mike and I have been close for a long time. Ever since around 1999 when he first dropped by my studio after a Mets game at WNEW in NYC we have been close friends. Back then when Mike was living and playing in NYC he would be a regular in the studio blasting metal with me. I grew up a lifelong Mets fan, but our bond was very much over the music we both loved and still love. I can’t begin to tell you how many great times we have shared over the years. Much of it at concerts. The stories are endless! From Mike leaking new GnR, us getting drunk seeing GnR at MSG in a snow storm, him co-hosting NY Steel with me in 2001, him throwing out shirts at a Slayer show with me, it is just endless. And endless ball busting too! He is so into metal that when he played he would come up to bat to all kinds of great riffs over the Shea PA. Some of those songs I would even suggest. This is a guy that came to see Flotsam & Jetsam with me at a club in NJ with 10 people there! Or jammed with Skid Row and Overkill at my radio events! When I tell you he is the real deal he is the REAL DEAL! Even though Mike now lives in Florida we are still as close as ever and talk all the time. I am incredibly happy and proud of my friend today for his overdue entry into the MLB HOF. It could not happen to a better friend and human being and be more deserved. Congrats Mike!

11 Responses

  1. Nice tribute Eddie. Deep Purple, Cheap Trick and Piazza. Great year for both Halls, as I actually found myself agreeing with 5 out of 6 (or whatever) with the Rock Hall’s choices. All the MLB one needs now is Pete Rose (I don’t care WHAT he bet on, doesn’t erase his accomplishments!) Good thing R&R Hall doesn’t care on who gambles, drinks, womanizes, etc,. otherwise there might only be ABBA in there.
    Love the story Piazza told one night while hanging out with you about seeing Geddy in the stands during spring training way back when. Mike said something like “…why didn’t you say hello?” and Geddy replying “…I didn’t wanna bother you, you’re MIKE PIAZZA” , “Yea, but you’re GEDDY LEE!” Aaah…memories.

  2. There would be no way to write this salute to a friend’s accomplishment without mentioning how the personal ties manifiested. The post is fine, Eddie.

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