Made it back from Costa Rica yesterday. Had to leave a day earlier than I thought I would but everything worked out okay. HUGE thanks to the Costa Rican metal fans! AMAZING support for me and TMS there. The show is seen on regular VH1 and there are promos running all the time. So weird to see TMS in the middle of all the pop and pop culture programs on the regular channel, but it is super popular! I was not in the beach areas, just in San Jose as it was a work trip, but it was a cool experience to meet so many fans and also many bands that played that were from the area as well as bands a bit outside of what I do, but still all very cool. More when I have time.


Since I was made it back a bit early I will do a LIVE show TONIGHT on SiriusXM channel 39 6-10P ET on TRUNKnation!


Leave for LA Wed, host Jake E Lee Red Dragon Cartel at The Whiskey Thursday. TMS party and my book signing at Dingos and Dingbatz this Saturday! My free signing at Dingos will run from around 7:30-9 before the party at Dingbatz. Come grab a signed book, no admission and free tickets to Michael Schenker at Starland while supplies last!


More soon.

5 Responses

  1. Hey Eddie,

    Looking forward to tonight’s show as always. Is there a possibility of a future release of any TMS seasons on DVD? Also, if you can play ‘Profession Of Violence’ from UFO tonight, that would be awesome! Thanks!

  2. Glad you made it back safe with all this crazy weather.Not going to be able to call in tonite.Curious if you had time to watch the “Clockwork Angels” Blu-ray from”RUSH” I’m hearing mixed reviews on the way the sound was mixed.If you viewed let me know your thoughts not sure whether to get just the dvd,or blu ray..Saw it in the theater it was Amazing!!! Good Health to you and yours!

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