Hope everyone had a great weekend. Back live tonight 6-10P ET/3-7 Pacific on SiriusXM channel 39 TRUNKNation (Hair Nation) with music and talk that rocks. Joining me in studio in the 9P hour will be Carmine Appice and Joe Lynn Turner to talk about their new band Rated X. Calling in live at 8P will be Extreme guitarist Nuno Bettencourt. Nuno is one of my favorite players and Extreme announced today a 12 date US tour playing Pornograffiti. We will discuss that and more.

Please check out the poll added to this sites home page. If you have listened to my FM show for a long time you know I end the year with theme shows. This year YOU pick 3 bands among the biggest on my show every week to have an entire 3 hour program dedicated to their music! I’ll keep the poll up until the end of Nov then announce the 3 bands 12/1 and the dates their shows will air. So let your voice and favorite band be heard and cast your vote now!

Just added an appearance in New Bedford MA 12/20 hosting the charity event Rock 4 Xmas. More details soon.

If in NJ area please come to Dingbatz in Clifton Thanksgiving Eve for a charity event for my friend guitarist Karl Cochran. Joe Lynn Turner, Pat Travers, Steve Brown of Trixter (and recently Def Leppard) and many more will be rocking to help Karl. Hope to see you there.

Since I get asked daily (and thanks for caring!) I will end every blog with this: New TMS Feb 2015.

48 Responses

  1. Stern has been tight with the usual suspects in the P.R. firms for decades…..should be interesting if he asks if Malcom was a potential liability on the last tour with a back-up on call like Thayer suiting up if Ace missed the gig and “is Rudd down for the count by way of meth”. I think Stern will be soft. $3.50 for the GW Bridge going to the Brendan Byrne Arena shows in the early 80’s, I don’t wanna know the cost now….hope it is free to Jersey like Phil Rizzuto liked leaving the stadium. Not me askin about Axl, I don’t have TMS or Serius.

  2. Always amazing to me how much people love to hate. I’d rather love the music and hope someone makes it rather than enjoying when they don’t. Those who fight their addictions deserve all wishing them success instead of relishing their failure. I wish Ace well.

  3. Theses fake fans with the same email address must be trolls from and Paul and Gene. People with fake names its truly sad and pathetic. Anytime aces name is mentioned just so much hate to stir the pot.

  4. Fake names and people like that give us rock and metal fans a bad reputation. You’d think the rock and metal community would come together but since the rise of social network that isn’t the case. I seen Slipknot and Korn 2 weeks ago it seemed people were into the show to me. I would assume these fake names and profiles would never go to a rock or metal show.

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