First day of Trunk Nation from LA was fun today, but not what was expected. Manager Doc McGhee was booked to be on my show to talk about his entire career. As you all know Doc has managed Kiss since 1995. Although Kiss would have been discussed I was really looking forward to covering all of Doc’s career and hear some great stories. I was happy when he agreed to be my first show from a week of shows from LA. Minutes before I went on air I was informed by the talent booker for SiriusXM that Doc was unable to do the interview because it was with me and he didn’t realize that (which seems really strange since I saw the emails that said it was for MY show). Why would there be an issue with Doc doing this with me? Well because of Kiss of course! I’m not going to rehash it here but most know that regardless of playing Kiss on the radio for 33 years, fighting for them to get in the HOF, and way more, I could tell you, Kiss, and more specifically Paul Stanley, don’t like me. Why? Because I have an opinion about what the band does now that doesn’t match what they want to sell currently. Instead of having an adult discussion about it, they run from me. It is really that simple as sad and juvenile as it sounds. They once blocked me from appearing at a Kiss Mini Golf! True story! I guess I should take all this as a huge compliment. I mean I must have a MAJOR platform and voice that I could wield this panic whenever I get close to anything in their world right? It’s pathetic that I can’t have an opinion (which I am very objective about all sides of) and the band continues to treat me like the devil, forgetting the 95% of positive things I have done and said.

I pride myself on covering ALL sides of stories in rock and letting fans express their opinions as well. Even if I differ with them. Kiss is the only band it seems that that is not allowed. No independent thought. You must fall in line with what they are selling that day, or you are a threat. I haven’t cared about Kiss since the original band ended. The impersonation act is not for me (even though I never blamed Tommy and Eric for taking the gig, who wouldn’t!). And I never judged people that still go and are okay with it. I love all sides and debates on this stuff. It is what I do! And I have still supported what they do, although I really am starting to question why..

I don’t blame Doc for doing this. It sucks and he has to know how shitty it is to bail on a radio show minutes before, especially when I could have booked other guests. But he’s not going to take a chance pissing off the super thin skinned hyper sensitive (by his own admission, read his book) Paul Stanley. They are his cash cow, and I get it. But I am not going to pull punches and I’m going to lay it out there straight as to what happened here to my audience. It’s all so silly you just have to laugh sometimes! MANY feel the same was as me, few in the business have the balls to say it (except Dee Snider, who also was attacked by Paul recently for his opinion and it resulted in a social media war). So that’s what happened today, as dumb as it sounds. To those looking forward to the interview, as I was, I wanted to give you the truth.

But we still had a great show with many of your calls and guests Wendy Dio (Hear N Aid in 2018) and Jeff Pilson talking Dokken and Foreigner. Tomorrow Joe Bonamassa joins me first hour in studio, then Glenn Hughes. And I will have them together for a segment as well. Other guests this week from LA include Dave Navarro, M Shadows, and more TBA. Join me live 11A-1P PT/2P-4P ET on SiriusXM Volume 106 for TrunkNation from LA. Happy Halloween!

12 Responses

  1. I was really really looking forward to hearing this interview. I’ve about had it myself with those pansy asses. One of the biggest groups EVER…is somehow afraid and not able to take an honest opinion from a lifelong fan??? Shaking my head….really shaking it. Between Paul’s wig and …never mind…they are going to wind up being their own tribute group one day.

  2. Wow You can’t make this stuff up. I blame obergruppenfurher Stanley . Paulie it’s 2016 get over yourself. Eddie has done nothing but promote your band for over 30 years and you don’ trust your manager do an interview? No less cancel 5 minutes before. How ridiculous.

  3. As a kid in the 70’s, like Eddie and a lot of others who comment on this site, KI$$ was the first rock band that consumed me. KI$$ was my most favorite band. There will never be a band that i revered so much as I did for KI$$ during that period. When the reunion happened in 1996, it was like 1977 all over again for me. I have such devotion for the original KI$$ lineup.

    But dressing up two talented musicians to imitate Peter Criss and Ace Frehley is just wrong. They are impostors, plain and simple. And i’m sure a lot of other 70’s fans of the band feel the same way i do. Gene and Paul may not want to hear it, but sometimes the truth hurts. I wish them well as they continue to drive KI$$ forward, because they are one of the classic bands out there still working hard at it and keeping rock alive. But, I can’t support the current tribute version of KI$$. It just sickens me to see the two impostors on stage mimicking the original Catman and Spaceman. I saw Tommy Thayer’s KI$$ tribute band, Cold Gin, perform back in 1991. And I’ve seen Tommy Thayer perform in the KI$$ tribute band, KI$$. I would rather see the Cold Gin tribute band…tickets were $10 each and the band sounded better that today’s KI$$.

  4. If you ever get to interview Paul, Gene or that little troll duck mcgee, ask them what happened to their L.A. Kiss football team. It was an epic failure.

  5. I’m with ya Eddie.

    I started letting go of my frustration with Paul and Gene a while ago and it feels good.
    Although my friends and family can still get me going at times.
    It all came back prior to the HOF in march . In the prior fall with all the things Paul was saying about Ace and Peter .

    Its sad what Paul turned this band into the last 15 years

    I at least wish Paul and gene were touring without makeup with Thayer and singer or even bruce .
    But now , It’s so tarnished for me I wouldn’t even be interested .
    Although………… They did do a non makeup set in South Dakota this year that I thought about ( I’m in mn) because it was all about what they ” should have” did with the band in 2001 .

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