I’ve seen SO many comments about Ace & Peter reuniting at my party, Kiss (as usual), the R&R Hall and Gene’s comments about Ace & Peter not playing, and more. Last night on the radio show had MANY calls on the topic with many opinions. I welcome all opinions as usual if based in some level of reality and not just blind worshipers one way or the other that drink the Kool Aid they are served. The biggest question I have heard from many is why would Gene & Paul (Gene most recently) continue to talk about what fuck ups these guys are (he hasn’t played with them in over ten years), talk about them being drunk or on drugs (both have been sober for many years now), and say they can’t play at a Hall induction when Kiss has not even been inducted yet (no matter how you feel, that is just INSANE!). The answer is simple. Gene is the ultimate salesman. He prides himself on this, that is no secret. His job is to sell THIS Kiss. Just like it was to sell all the other lineups when that was happening. Explains why he will tell you THIS Kiss is bigger than anything, when in reality they CO HEADLINE tours with Motley Crue instead of HEADLINING arenas in the US. Explains why he takes subtle shots about Ace & Peter doing signing shows, when he and Paul sell signed played guitars to fans after shows. Not a huge difference from what I see? But it’s about selling whatever he is doing and Kiss is doing now, which will soon be a sanctioned Kiss tribute with no original members. And who knows, that might be a pretty good band. Many will say the same old “Eddie is just backing up his friends, only cares about the original band”. Yes Ace & Peter are friends and did an amazing thing playing together for me recently. But I’m more just trying to offer some balance and objectivity as a lifelong Kiss fan myself, who HAS supported and loved all the replacement members and lineups. I simply chose not to support what they have been doing lately because the impersonation rubs me (and MANY others who won’t say it) the wrong way. That’s my huge sin to some I guess, so be it.
The real reason these barbs in the press from them continue at Ace & Peter is because they know the avalanche that would happen if they ever played with them again from fans and the media. Example? I was at the 1996 MTV Unplugged taping. Then they were all about the non makeup lineup with Singer and Kulick. That’s what they were selling then. When Ace & Peter came out for a brief appearance on a couple songs the entire crowd went nuts. From the second they stepped on that stage the electricity was insane, and they knew they had no choice but to go back to that band no matter how hard they were selling the Singer/Kulick band and about to release a new album with them. I felt a very similar energy in the crowd when Ace & Peter walked out on stage together at my event last Wednesday, right down to the ear to ear smiles from every fan and musician in the building! So I see it as a big defense mechanism by Gene & Paul. They know another reunion, even for a song, would ignite a huge fire once again. For the record I do NOT think there should be another original Kiss reunion. For a couple songs at a long overdue Hall induction, for sure! But for a tour, no way. I don’t think ANY of the original members could deliver enough of a high energy show to do the legacy justice at this stage. As I have said MANY times the current Kiss can and should do whatever they want. The fact that it’s not for me doesn’t matter. If you are cool with it enjoy what’s left of it. But the idea of the original band FINALLY getting into the Hall (and I must stress they were nominated before and passed over once already, so NOT a done deal!) and Ace & Peter not being invited and welcome to at least play a song or two would be a travesty to even the most hardcore Kiss fan. I look forward to your comments.
173 Responses
ET is it really Gene or Paul’s call? Being a lifelong Rush fan, I attended the Hall of Fame last year and read about everything I could get my hands on, and it sounded like Wenner and the Hall board made all sorts of requests of Rush in terms of what songs to play, how long to play etc. I don’t think it’s up to the band to invite or univite anyone. The Hall will certainly induct the four original members. the question would be, who after the orginal four would get in? Everyone? Just people who had been invloved more than a few years? Dunno. But my point is, I have a hard time seeing the Hall induct KISS and not have the original four attend and/or perform. The pure logistical challenge of any KISS performance might be the deal breaker. Rush sat at a banquet table for five hours, got up, made their speech and then played. KISS would not be able to do that unless they attended the event in full makeup from the very start of the night which would be weird IMO. Never a dull moment in KISS-world…
Well as far as I am concerned,being a life long KISS fan myself,what I seriously think they should do now is take the make up off again,just like in the 80s out of respect to Ace and Peter!!!!! And,as far as Gene selling this version of KISS,doesn’t he have more than ENOUGH money already?? He seriously needs to come down off of his high horse for a reality check.I have lost a tremendous amount of respect for King Gene after this latest tirade that hes on and for insulting Ace and Gene like he does.I would LOVE to see Ace and Peter tour together!!!!! I am pretty sure if they did,they could easily play the bigger venues and I bet every show would be a sell out!!!!
I don’t think Ace & Peter would be a huge draw live honestly. And I doubt Peter wants to tour these days. I think Kiss should have ended when they said they were and Paul should have done solo tours and albums like Live To Win tour.
I agree about Paul on solo, his DVD was amazing live(The band with him was Awesome).
As long as there is a pay check they will milk this thing.
Ace and Pete wouldn’t be a arena draw . But, they surely would be a good hall / theater draw . Alot better than what Ace does on his own .
Eddie, do you know if Peter and Ace can sing the songs live they had lead vocals on even though they didn’t write the song ?
Sorry if this was talked about last night . I dont have your radio show here
Peter and Ace are not touring together.
kiss new music blows,every album has on e good song,n 10 that blow.enough said.kiss is almost done,if not for the SHOW,so if you didn’t see them in the 70s,or 80s,too bad suckers
I agree the last two albums were not strong. Sonic a little better than Monster, but weak songs. Like to see them make a more current record instead of trying so hard to sound 70’s.
I wouldn’t mind another KISS album that was along the lines of Creatures, Revenge or Carnival of Souls. I also think a non-make up tour with Bruce and Eric would be pretty cool.
Revenge and Creatures are great albums, Two of my favorites.
I think Revenge is slightly overrated but good. Creatures great
Eddie – With today’s music scene, how do you think KISS would fair if they did an album like Creatures. Like you, I don’t believe the last two albums were that strong (OK in my opinion), and I don’t understand why Paul and Gene are so determined to capture that 70’s vibe.
Thank you for bringing hard rock/heavy metal to the masses.
Sadly the way the business is now no albums are going to truly sell no matter what the direction
Eddie – Good Point. Looking forward to new episodes of That Metal Show!
The last two albums weren’t strong? Why, because Eric and Tommy played on the albums, and Ace and Peter didn’t. (take a long listen to Peter’s solo album, All for One. That is a musical embarassment) Musically, those albums (Sonic and Monster) are up there with the best of Kiss Albums. I truly believe you make these kinds of statements so you don’t piss off Ace or Peter. No one can objectively say that Sonic Boom and Monster are weak albums. That is utterly inane. Eddie you really need to evolve. It’s not 1977 anymore. Sure, most of us old-timers started liking Kiss in the mid 70’s, when we were 10, 11, 12 years old. And sure, most of us have a fondness for the original band because that’s what we grew up with. When Ace and Peter left Kiss, Gene and Paul tried new stage personas with Eric Carr and Vinnie Vincent. IT DID NOT WORK! Ace and Peter should have purchased/filed for the rights to their personas, but THEY DID NOT. And why didn’t they….. because they are addicts, and they not only fucked up their personal lives, they fucked up their careers with Kiss as well… And for you to say that they’ve been clean for several years – how do you know that? Because they told you? Well maybe, they have been, and I hope they have, but you don’t know that for certain. Do you? Ahhh and yes, let’s talk about Peter’s book…. the addict’s memoir…. where do I begin with that? An entire book about blaming others (Paul and Gene) for your fuck-ups. I loved how he would admit fucking up and would own the behavior for half a sentence, then say that it was all because he was so unhappy with Gene and Paul. Utterly pathetic. He threw his career away, as did Ace. No one is to blame other than Peter and Ace. Eddie, aren’t you supposed to be objective in what you do? Especially when you interview people? Based on what I’ve seen and heard during your interviews, you are far from it.
How am I supposed to interview the others when they run from tough questions and won’t do the shows? MUCH easier to go on CNN with someone that has no clue on their music and asks what they want them to ask. I love when People say Eric and Vinnie makeup didn’t work. Guess what? NOTHING worked back then no matter who was in the band! AMAZING when people don’t realize how rock bottom this bands career was and what a joke they were in the US no matter who was in the band! And guess what, Ace & Peter were not on Psycho either! And outside of a few songs it’s way better in my view than the last couple albums which had some utter cringe songs on them.. But again, just run with the usual talking point of “he’s friends with Ace & Peter”, and discount the HUGE history I have seeing and supporting NON original Kiss! My first book is dedicated to ERIC CARR!!
Oh, the tough questions…. like the ones you asked Peter and Ace on your show? Hey, how have you been? What you been up to? How long have we been friends? Any unbiased journalist would have delved into each of their books and really questioned the veracity of each. And why not bring Peter out and say this, “All for One, what the hell were you thinking? Just be honest, Eddie. Ace and Peter are your friends and you care about whether or not you hurt their feelings. And that translates into – I don’t want them to get pissed at me because I’d like to have them on next season, and possibly show up at my sponsored events. It’s quite obvious – that’s why so many people are saying it.
Peter called in to talk about the party! That’s what the interview was about! Reference my previous interviews with him about the product you are referring to when it came out maybe?
As for Ace he was asked about the Hall, the house foreclosure, not doing the doc, which is why it’s making news. Anything I missed there genius? It’s the ultimate defense mechanism to go with the ole “Eddie’s just friends with those guys” line when it doesn’t fall right in line with what you want to believe huh? And I can only present the side of the members that do step up and do my shows..
Hey guys there are a lot of facts being thrown around that are inaccurate. I agree that I love the original Kiss but if you read the books by peter and ace they make it sound like kiss was going out of business with out them and that’s just not true. Lick it up, animalized, asylum, crazy nights, all were platinum albums and hot in the shade and revenge were gold albums. The fact that they co-headlined with Motley Crue did insure a sell out but if you still go to see them(like I do every year)You will still see the building full or near full. We talked on this site how the music business is not drawing like it used to due to economic and inet exposure reasons, but Kiss in comparison to other groups does quite well. I love peter and ace too but the fact remains they are not the players that the guys that fills their shoes are and Kiss is on everything from American Idol. Dancing with the Stars, Dr pepper adds, Reality shows. Movies, etc. So as much as I long for one more trip down memory lane, The current Kiss is still trucking along and Cashing Fat Checks!!!
Whoa, Kiss WAS in HUGE trouble in the early 80’s! EVERYONE knows that! Lick It Up going Gold at the time was such a huge deal they had a full page ad in Billboard. Before that was a disaster in the 80’s. They were playing to half or less empty arenas. That continued by the way at MANY gigs Lick It Up forward. I was there, I was asked to give away boat loads of tickets free to paper the house as they say. They did okay, but FAR from a slam dunk live with many soft shows through the 80’s. ’96 reunion had them at MSG 4 nights sold out. HUGE difference. Today Kiss is a casino, festival act in the US. Not a knock, just reality of their draw, as is the case with many bands. They can not sustain a major venue tour as a headline without a major co headline like Motley. Proof? No real tour for the latest album here in the US. They should do a theater tour here which would be cool and they could sell. But those economics likely don’t work, so just select dates now or shows with MAJOR support around them. They do okay, but FAR from 4 nights in an arena.
Eddie, you’re absolutely right. KISS was virtually dead around 1982. The LP wasn’t getting much, if any airplay. In my hometown of Rochester NY, a town that KISS hadn’t played since 1975 (their stage show was too big for the late 1970s) they played at the 10,000 seat Rochester War Memorial. The venue had a giant curtain splitting the arena for the show (which my buddy attended) – because it was less than half full. I believe around 3 to 4,000 people showed up. That was it. Next stop after that would’ve been theaters.
Oh and Peter Criss and Ace Frehley were really filling the seats at that time!
I still Think That Ace and Peter Should play at the r+r hall of fame if it ever happens. even though I still like todays line up, out of respect every one should be involved. Thanks for the posts ed.