About to leave for the Hard Rock in NYC where tonight my radio shows 30 years on the air will be celebrated. Seems like yesterday that 25th was being celebrated in the same place with Judas Priest playing. Tonight’s music will be anchored by The Winery Dogs. By now many know what a fan I am of these three guys, all good friends as well. My role in helping them form makes this even more special for me personally. They’ve made the album of the year in my view and honored they will play for me, my radio listeners, and many friends tonight. There will be many guests I love and respect in the audience and many jams as well. Some I know about, some I’m told will be a surprise. After 30 years I still love doing radio, and this show which started on WDHA in NJ in 1983 is where many of the other things I do can be connected to. I believe in doing radio live when possible and playing different songs, telling stories, talking to guests, interacting with the audience. Never thought I would make it three decades but honored and grateful to my audience for making that happen. So just a quick note here before the big party tonight to say THANK YOU to all the program directors and radio stations that air my show, and of course my flagship Q104.3 in NYC where the program has lived since 2002. I’ll have a ton of photos and stories about tonight no doubt, but before it all goes down just a huge THANKS to all of YOU for the support helping me keep this show and all the other things I do alive. And thanks in advance to Mike Portnoy my musical director for tonight and all at The Hard Rock and John Pasquale for making this happen. It should be an amazing night in what has been an amazing month between the new book, Brazil and now this. THANK YOU ALL!


PS: If you were lucky enough to get in tonight doors at 7 show around 8 till whenever. Please shoot video, take pictures, whatever. Just send me a copy!

16 Responses

  1. Sure wish I could be at the show tonight!! But I’m in Dallas, so I can’t make it there. But I hope it’s a great celebration. Congrats on 30 years in radio!! Also, if you can make it to Dallas for a book signing, I will definitely be there!!

  2. Really wish I could be there to celebrate and congratulate you in person, but I’m just too far away in California and can’t get off of work right now.

    Thanks for 30 great years Eddie. Wife and I can’t wait for the MOR cruise in March!!

  3. jUST posted a mega upload of photos I took tonight…you outdid yourself tonight……Winery Dogs kicked ASS!!!!….and all the special guests were awesome…….You know how to throw a party for sure……Glad I was able to get in to this great night of metal!!…Happy 30th Eddie and another 30 in the future!!…ROCK ON!!!!

  4. I was lucky enough to attend tonite’s fabulous show,cannot say enough about the amazing musicianship displayed.To see Peter Criss and Aceman together on the same stage was jaw dropping.Mike Portnoy did a tremendous job putting together a dream NY metal/hard rock lineup.Met Ron Thal for the 1st time and man was he outstanding,a true gentleman taking picts and talking to all who hung around at the end of the show.The Winery Dogs were stellar,and the ensuing jam session was Eddie Trunk ear candy.Thanks Eddie for 30 years of kickass rock and metal.

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