Just back from a long Labor Day weekend in Vegas, some fun mixed with some work and meetings. In all my years of going to Vegas never saw the city as busy as it was. Good for the economy there, not good for me, since I decided to bring the family with me for the first time ever. But it was still a good time and the kids enjoyed Blue Man Group (thanks Blas Elias), Beatles Love, and the tigers & dolphins at Mirage. Needless to say a VERY different Vegas trip than most for me! Hosted Winger Saturday night and they were truly sounding great! The band is now a 5 piece with the return of Paul Taylor and at times even had three guitars going. Amazing full sound and the vocals were all spot on (and 100% real!). Truly an incredibly talented band that I think are finally emerging from the 80’s Beavis & Butthead backlash and rightfully being viewed as such. Good to see them all and look forward to seeing them on the MOR cruise again next year. Drivin & Cryin and Hericane Alice also turned in solid set in support. Thanks to Chuck Brennan and Dollar Loan Centers for having me host and putting on this free show in Vegas.


Sunday I hosted a Black Sabbath after party (Sabbath played Vegas Sunday night) at Vamp’d with Sin City Sinners. Great club and great band that did all metal. One of my favorite places to visit is this venue, and Sinners always fun to see live. Did a little live Stump The Trunk and then hung with everyone. Thanks to all the great fans that came out. Two back to back 3A nights but it was a blast. Also hanging at Vamp’d were Chris Holmes of WASP fame and Jake E Lee. Good to catch up with both of them. Heard Jake was not welcome to see Ozzy & Sabbath by a certain someone because he talked about his lack of getting writing credit on Bark At The Moon on TMS. Beyond sad and pathetic… Was great to see Jake and heard 9 songs from the new album that are really starting to take shape. Red Dragon Cartel now scheduled to come out early 2014.


Also had a great night hanging with The Conspirators (Todd Kerns, Frank Sidoris and Brent Fitz) along with Stacy Blades and members of Adelitas Way at Sammy Hagar’s place. Good all night rock geek talk! And thanks to Ron Mancuso for a great meal at the legendary Bootleggers Bistro. I’ll be back in Vegas the weekend of 10/4 at Vinyl at Hard Rock Casino starting at 6:30 for a signing for my new book before Motley plays The Joint.


Speaking of Motley I will be hosting 3 dates with them next week in OK. If coming be sure to say hi. There will be meet and greets for sure in Durant and Miami and both dates will also have my 1st book for sale that I will be happy to sign. More details soon on this but will be at all 3 dates!

Be sure to enter for tickets to the 30th party. It’s FREE and winning is your only way in. We are confirming winners every week!

Live this Friday at 11P ET on Q104.3 NYC with Chris Jericho as guest. Live this Monday on SiriusXM channel 39 6P ET with Mark Tremonti and Myles Kennedy of Alter Bridge as guests. Much more soon, tons going on, follow on Twitter for much more as it happens @EddieTrunk

16 Responses

  1. Saw Sin City Sinners in Vegas with Sebastion Bach. They put on a good show and where a lot of fun. You should play some of their tunes on Trunk Nation. Love the show keep it up.

  2. Winger needs to do In The Heart of The Young in its entirety live. They have never done the title track live and that song is a mindblower. Hey Ed….what’s it gonna take to get you wearing a Rush shirt on TMS? You pimp every band but them? Also, shocked you listed your top 3 favorite bands on TMS and UFO was not one of them. How in the hell did that happen?

    1. Really?? A shirt is more important than the COUNTLESS times I have had Rush on Top 5 lists and COUNTLESS years I scream about them in the Hall?? wow..

  3. Reb Beach is an incredible guitarist and Winger has never gotten the credit it deserves. Pull was a fantastic record that got very little play.
    Great to hear that Jake is going to be sending some new music our way. I still listen to Badlands from time to time, and always think that it is a complete travesty that we didn’t get more from that band. RIP Ray Gillen – an incredible singer. Sharon is a douche bag BTW (I’ll say it for you Eddie, since I know you probably have to walk a bit of a political tightrope in your line of work). Glad to hear you’re coming back to Oklahoma!

    1. Sounds like you probably do have a lot in common with Beavis and Butthead. Although you probably consider them to be intellectual giants that you aspire to emulate one day.

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