Y&T Y&T have launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the making of a career-spanning documentary.

Frontman Dave Meniketti hopes fans will step up so the band can tell their own story their own way.

The movie is to be built out of the hundreds of hours of personal footage shot over the years. It’s set to cover their earliest days of rehearsing in Leonard Haze’s grandmother’s house, then move through the first two albums, touring with Journey, Boston and Queen, to their big breaks with AC/DC, Ozzy Osbourne and Dio.

It’s also designed to be a tribute to bassist Phil Kennemore, who died in 2011.

Meniketti says, “In the past we’d ask a record company or a big corporation for funding – and in exchange, sign away our rights and artistic control. But we can do it differently, and tell the story the way it should be told, uncut, with all the nitty-gritty, the stories you want to hear, in a film you want to see.”

The crowdfunded edition of the DVD will feature bonus material that won’t appear in the standard version. Y&T have raised nearly $9000 of a required $26,000 via the Kickstarter campaign, with 28 days to run. To donate, please click here.

The DVD is expected in July.

source: classicrock.teamrock.com

11 Responses

  1. This is absurd.,,I love Y&T, but let me understand…We, the fans, will pay for them to put footage together and make a film that THEY will make money on??? And then WE, the fans will pay for the movie after it’s made to see it?? Who in the hell is donating for that crap?? Fools, that’s who. Like anything in life, lots of people want to do certain things but can’t afford to, so too fucking bad…then don’t do it. I want to start my own restaurant, but can’t afford it…so I’ll ask all of my friends to donate to my restaurant and then charge them to eat there?? But their reward is that my food is great!! It’s the same thing…This may be the most blatant abuse of the fans I’ve ever seen…F-YOU Y&T!!

    1. I think you don’t understand. You pay to the campaign and in return you ALSO get the DVD if you donate $25 or above. You do not have to pay twice as you elude to. It’s pretty well spelled out on the Kickstarter site.

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