Aerosmith guitarist Brad Whitford, and Ted Nugent singer, Derek St. Holmes, has resurrected their Whitford/St. Holmes band. Their second album called, Reunion, will be released on on June 3rd.

The band is currently streaming the song, Hot For You, at Billboard, click here to listen to it.

Whitford/St. Holmes will be touring with Whitesnake, starting June 3rd in Dallas, Texas. To view their complete tour itinerary, and read more about, Reunion, please click here.

Regarding Aerosmith, Whitford tells Billboard, “We keep talking about doing what we may call a farewell tour, but based on the KISS approach that could go on for three to five years,” Whitford says with [a] laugh. “But, yeah, we’re talking about it and seriously looking at that just based on our age and some of the markets, will we ever get back there?” It could start as soon as next year and will likely be a worldwide trek, including Europe and Asia in addition to North America.”

“It’ll probably be a bit of a relief,” Whitford confesses. “It’s a struggle to get things done with that band. It can take the wind out of your sails sometime, there’s so much time wasted. For me it’s about the music, and we seem to have lost quite a bit of that energy in the Aerosmith camp. Everything turns out to be about something else, and it has nothing to do with the music. It gets old.”

additional source: billboard.com

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