markslaughter2015-400d Mark Slaughter, lead singer of the multi-platinum band Slaughter, is proud to announce the release of his first ever solo album,
Reflections In A Rear View Mirror. Staying true to his roaring rock and roll roots, and straying just enough to bring his heartfelt side into the mix, Mark Slaughter has brought to light this classic music that will be around for a lifetime. Listen to some examples at

The release is available exclusively on a limited edition, autographed iDitty card. With this card, you can download Mark’s full album, Reflections In A Rear View Mirror to your phone, computer, and tablet. Please go to

With the chance to work with legendary producer Michael Wagener at the helm mixing and masterging the record, in addition to vocals, Mark is playing all instruments on the album with the exception of drummer Mark Goodin. His guitar playing rivals the greats out there and his vocals are spot on with a musical range that is par-excellence. Still in the band Slaughter and continuously touring with his band, Mark had years of music creativity stored up and has now decided it is time to share it with the world.

Visit Mark on the web at following locations:

9 Responses

  1. I am confused as to how I would even buy this album. Signing up for iDitty seems to be something that artists do to sell their music, not for fans to buy it.

    1. Okay, I figured out how to buy it, but the method is SOOOO backwards! They want me to spend $22 (20 for the card and 2 for shipping) then wait for my card to arrive in the mail, and THEN download the music. Isn’t the advantage of digital downloads that you can buy the music and then hear it immediately? Why would I want to wait when I am not even getting a physical copy with artwork etc.?
      This concept only seems to make sense for artists who want to sell albums at shows, meaning that they can have the cards at the merch table instead of cds.
      If someone wants to go around Apple or Amazon, fine. Just sell the files directly on your site. I’ve seen that and purchased a few albums that way. If anything, make that an alternate option.
      I’d love to support your new album, Mark, but you are making it way too difficult and silly at the present time.

    2. And furthermore, these cards are LIMITED! So you are saying you want to limit the number of people who can actually BUY your music? In this music economy?

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