robertPlant Billionaire Richard Branson has slammed reports that he offered Led Zeppelin a $800M reunion contract.

He says the Mirror story-which claimed that frontman Robert Plant tore up the paperwork after the rest of the band had signed– is “completely untrue” and “fabricated.”

Branson writes on his blog:

“I spoke to Robert about the story, which he also confirmed is complete rubbish from his side too. Robert told me he’s very proud of his history and the band’s past, and has always had great respect and love for his work. However, he really believes he must move on with his life and career today. Making up this story is very disrespectful to how wonderful his career with the Sensational Shape Shifters is going.”

The Virgin tycoon says Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones also have “many exciting projects” in their futures, and insists each member of Led Zeppelin should be “respected in their own right.”

He finishes, “As Robert told me: ‘Look, Richard, I just do things because I love them and I want to do more new things that I love.’ I couldn’t agree more.”

In May Plant said he had no interest in returning to be part of the “circus” that Led Zep had become. Page recently appeared to accept there was no chance of a reunion, saying of his former colleague’s career: “It’s his journey, isn’t it?”

Led Zep are midway through the release of their remaster series. Plant launched latest solo album Lullaby And… The Ceaseless Roar earlier this year, while Page says he’s planning to record and tour in 2015.

additional source:

36 Responses

  1. 35 dates in 3 cities sounded weird to me. As far as “the circus” that Led Zep has become what a load of crap. The media who break these “stories” make it a circus. A band that hasn’t made new music since 1979 or set foot on stage since 2007 is not a circus. As far as a one off tour it is not the 70’s anymore and it wouldn’t be for the right reasons. As someone who saw Zeppelin in 1975 and 77 I’m glad that Robert doesn’t want to be a parody of himself. He can have fun doing Zeppelin songs with different arrangements without the expectations that would come with a reunion.

    1. I’m with you Andrew. The whole thing sounded made up from the start. They reported Page, Jones, and Jason Bonham signed and Plant wanted “48 hours” to think about it, them shows up at some “press conference” (that nobody has any film/pictures of?!?!) and “rips up the contract”. C’mon!
      And you’re right the media makes the circus, not any members of the band. I think Jimmy has taken really good care of the Zep legacy, allowing a few years to pass between releasing things. (the box set, the BBC archives CD, the DVD of live stuff, the 2007 reunion show, now the remasters with extras); and it’s all been great quality/packaging etc,. Hell, he even got in touch with some old bootleggers for the “filler” footage that runs during some of the menus on the live DVD. That’s some serious dedication.
      I also think Plant feels that the 02 Arena show was a great “nod” to it all and a great way to go out. I recall a quote by him saying something like ” a one-off is great…a major tour is a lot of work”.
      He knew he could “kill” for any 2 hours on any given night, and he certainly did that night! That goes for the whole band. I don’t even listen to the regular version of “Kashmir” anymore as the live one from that night just kills me!

    1. yeah they look awful I sometimes wonder if Eli has just given up. But either way I heard from a very close friend of mine is close to the Giants himself that Coughlin is ready to exit after this year and …now this is what I have understood….they are going to be getting in touch with Bill Cowher

    2. Thanks Joe for the info,

      But that Cowher rumor has been floating around for at least four years now. It remains to be seen if it actually happens, if I did, I think he would be a great coach.

      D 🙂

    3. Ok Dana….I will grant your wish….I WILL APPLY FOR THE JOB. I will let Eddie run the Offense , Don can run the Defense and Jim, well where would I put him??Oh yeah, Jim can make sure the players get their drinks……WATERBOY 🙂

    4. Dana…THAT decision would have to come from the very top…Head coaches can’t hire or fire G’s…BUT…head coaches do and have had influences on owners decisions on occasions

    5. Dana says Guess you will have to lobby to the Mara’s and Tisch’s on my behalf ;)…………..Eddie would have better luck at lobbying for Gene and Paul to “KISS” and makeup with Ace & Peter than I talking to the Mara’s…lmao, sorry couldn’t let that go.

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