pearcybookcover Ratt frontman Stephen Pearcy has released the following statement:

“After 30 years creating the band Ratt and losing a real brother, Robbin, it’s time that I personally part ways with the band.
I am officially done with having anything to do with them due to the constant turmoil, unresolved business, personal attacks/threats in the public forum, and most of all, the disrespect to the fans.

I’m very content and proud of the legacy and the music I’ve created. This music will live well beyond any of our lifetimes.

I owe no one anything but a huge heartfelt thank you for coming to the party for the last 30 years.
With much respect, life goes on and the music I created will continue to be heard for years to come despite the dark clouds that have lingered for far too long.

I will personally continue to make music and perform live shows.
See you out there.

Ratt’s last album was 2010′s Infestation.

312 Responses

  1. Well Sep I wish you the best, however this is a mistake. Who cares who has ownership.everyone gets a fair shake at the money. Just be a team player. Have a good attitude and rock our asses off. We had it back ..y’all were making progress, big progress…great album then, here comes your press release..well thanks. We really had your back this time man..

  2. I’m from Erie P. a. The band “Ratt” should
    Release 1 more record under their roadrunner
    Agreement. And then do a short 6 month tour
    And call it a day, say their good byes and also to
    All us fans that stood behind “Ratt” members.
    This way, everyone feels more at ease with each other
    And also the fans. Come on Stephen, don’t leave without
    Doing 1 more Ratt album! And other band members
    Just do what you do best”. Play some good hard rock
    And roll!!! Peace.

  3. Hey Eddie and some of your followers! From an 80’s girl point of view …. I met SP once. Yes, sadly, he was on the cocky side but I’ve met worse …. Ted Nugent was at top of the list. Anyhow, me and my BFF (as they call it these days) were innocents …. just at the right place at the right time. Autographs and pictures were just fine by us. However, for all the people disn’g SP and other Ratt members ….. keep this in mind …. you didn’t take any offense to them when your buying their albums or attending their concerts. If YOU ARE ON This blog, you’re already a f’g’ phoney …. otherwise, you wouldn’t know who SP was if he spit on you!!!! Another point…. These guys and the music of the 80’s are part of our younger years! After almost 30 years of ‘growing up’ I’d give anything to be in my late teens or twenties again. Listening to Ratt, Bon Jovi, etc brings those memories flooding back. I don’t care about what Ratt or the rest of them ‘grew up’ to be …. but I wouldn’t trade those memories for gold. So weather you’re military (hmmhmm …. speaking of cocky …. pot/kettle?), blue collar, white collar, rocker, sinner or saint …. again, if YOU ARE reading this blog…. you have NO room to criticize as YOU WERE a fan at one time! Keep your regrets and any pompous opinions to yourselves! Stephen, I sincerely hope you’re reading this ….. If so, I wish you all the best and hope to meet you again one day!

  4. I agree with Steve from P.a 1 more album and 6 month tour. Then you guys can say your good byes. Good luck to you Stephen keep kickin ass out there with your solo music

    1. Yea, I’m Steven, that guy from Erie P.A.
      It’s a real sham that “Ratt” went this direction,
      And They just got their original bassist back. ( former Dokken Bassist ).
      After all the good years, the “Ratt ” members all of them past and present
      All contributed to their success. And now for whatever reason the singer Steven left.
      I and many others thought, ” Ratt ” was back for a little while longer. What ever happens happens, and if adults can’t get along then, what roll model are we sending
      To all are fans!!! Steve. Peace!

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