pearcybookcover Ratt frontman Stephen Pearcy has released the following statement:

“After 30 years creating the band Ratt and losing a real brother, Robbin, it’s time that I personally part ways with the band.
I am officially done with having anything to do with them due to the constant turmoil, unresolved business, personal attacks/threats in the public forum, and most of all, the disrespect to the fans.

I’m very content and proud of the legacy and the music I’ve created. This music will live well beyond any of our lifetimes.

I owe no one anything but a huge heartfelt thank you for coming to the party for the last 30 years.
With much respect, life goes on and the music I created will continue to be heard for years to come despite the dark clouds that have lingered for far too long.

I will personally continue to make music and perform live shows.
See you out there.

Ratt’s last album was 2010′s Infestation.

312 Responses

  1. Stephen, loved you guys when Out of the Cellar hit. After that, I watched Bon Jovi open for and destroy you guys on about 10 feet of stage. What a bunch of drunken posers you’d become during that tour. From that day forward it was obvious you had no work ethic. Sad. A couple of really good records followed… but I never paid to watch you live a second time.

    You’re about as good as a front man can be when he can’t sing. Unfortunately you started believing your own hype. Seriously, dude, just hang ’em up and find another way to earn a buck. Outside a recording studio, your voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

    Adios and thanks for the music. Just keep your promise to stay away this time.

  2. Seen RATT at Surf Ball Room in 2013 and was impressed. He did great. Glad I got to see them before this. Grunge ruined it all. Depressing stuff. Want to talk about bad, go see a Doken concert.

  3. I seen RATT in the Quad Cities they were great I hope they work it out I want to c them again, but if they don’t I would b happy with just seeing Stephen Pearcy perform.

  4. Stephen, too bad you didn’t keep your voice and lose your arrogance…instead, it was the reverse. As much as I appreciate the music you’ve created and memories your songs have provided, I’m disappointed in your ego. I was backstage w/you guys at Halfway Jam in MN and everyone in the band was great with the fans…except you. I listened to both you and Blotz on Eddie Trunk the other day and the only one that spoke with any clarity and credibility was Blotz…and the reason I can say that is that I experienced it first-hand at HWJ. I got pics with Warren, Juan, Bobby and Carlos…they were extremely appreciative of the fact that we came out to see you guys. But not you, you stood away from the folks surround by your cronies. Jerk move. I saw you guys twice last summer and, sadly and expectedly, after years great music, your voice was disappointing. I feel bad for saying it because we all get old (me inclusive) and things just don’t work like they used to…my point here is that you have to let some of that ego go, dude. As tough as it is. Your other band mates are great w/the fans…I think its because what they bring to the band is not governed by the natural evolution of our bodies as we get older, as what you’ve brought to Ratt…your distinct voice. Deal w/your aging as we all have to and your fans will be ok w/it. Living in the past w/this arrogant attitude will only bring the demise of your fan-base. Ratt-n-Roll…w/o the attitude. Continued good luck to Warren/Juan/Bobby/Carlos!

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