Peter Frampton In Concert Peter Frampton was forced to take matters into his own hands at a recent concert, when two fans refused to stop taking pictures of him on stage.

And after repeatedly gesturing to the couple to refrain from taking shots and getting no response, the musician eventually grabbed the phone and launched it into the air.

Frampton, who is currently on the Guitar Circus tour supporting his new album Hummingbird In A Box, was playing at the Palladium in Carmel, Indiana when the incident occurred.

Prior to the gig, the theater announced there would be no flash photography or filming allowed. However, a couple arrived late, sat in the front row and began taking pictures and recording the performance. Despite not hearing the message, Frampton made it very clear he wasn’t happy, repeatedly gesturing at the couple to stop. They ignored the guitarist and carried on until the situation came to a head during the track Do You Feel Like We Do.

Onstage Magazine continues the story, “You could see the look of desperation and frustration on Frampton’s face and at the end of the song, he walked over with a huge smile on his face, bent down and said, ‘Hey, can I see that? Can I see the photos you’ve been taking?’ The guy handed him the phone and Frampton stood up, spun, and flung it to the rafters. The phone went flying to the back of the stage and the crowd erupted in cheers.”

After the concert, Frampton took to Facebook to post some first-hand accounts of the incident, saying: “Here are a couple of reports from the show and thanks again. We had a great show. Love the theater and the sound was great. We’ll be back.”

Frampton released Hummingbird In A Box last month – a seven-track project which came from a collaboration with the Cincinnati Ballet, while the English musician also released a stream of album track Friendly Fire last week.

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48 Responses

    1. The self-absorbed couple playing on their phones while sitting in the front row of a rock show? Yes, I agree they are douches.

  1. What an a-hole! Him and Danzig should tour together. They’d be flinging phones and cameras all night. All he had to do was go offstage, tell someone from his road crew, who would in turn get the security. There, problem solved. Instead, by taking matters into his own hands he committed theft of property. I would love it if the couple would press charges against him. I’m surprised anyone would want to take photos of this guy or that there was anyone in the audience to take photos. I get it that there is a policy and that most artists don’t like it, but what are you gonna do?? Everybody’s got a phone with a camera. Good luck trying to enforce anything! If anything he should be happy that someone wants to film his washed up ass.

  2. While I too am sick of everyone having cell phone cameras and taking photos of everything and everyone, and then posting it to facebook within seconds (or even worse, taking movies and photos with their iPads), I don’t know how you really stop it from happening. EVERYBODY has them, and they go EVERYWHERE with them. What are you going to do, kick out every person at a show that takes pictures? There would be nobody left! Sure, if you ask people not to they shouldn’t, but in today’s world I think only about 4% of the population would actually listen.

  3. Be surprised if he didn’t get sued for that, however, he can counter sue. I hope they go to peoples court with….Doug Llewelyn. cue bongos

  4. Front row and they came late and were all obsessed with filming and recording? He should have smashed the guy over the head Pete Townshend style. I remember when people actually went to concerts to see the band and listen to music.

    1. LMMFAOOOOOO, love that what you said, Pete Townshend style, a guitar across the head would be awesome too. Pete Townshend is my guitar idol, that’s too f’in funny dude…….lmaooooo

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