As previously reported, Eddie appears in two episodes of Reelz’s new series, featuring stories about hitmakers and musical pioneers.

The two he is involved with are: Guns N’ Roses: America’s Most Dangerous Band and Journey: A Voice Lost…and Found.

The Guns N’ Roses episode airs this weekend, on June 18th, at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT. The Journey episode will air next weekend, on June 25th, at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT.

To read more details about these shows, please click here.

5 Responses

  1. Interesting to hear Eddie’ thoughts on why Guns have not put out any new music. He thinks they can play on stage for a couple of hours but not get in a room together and create something great again.
    I always said this reunion is a false, Kiss like move to their fans and a huge pay day for the band or Axle.If they annouced that they were just touring and not really back together I dont no if they would sell that many tickets. I was bored just hearing about this reunion and will not spend a penny like a lot of my friends until a whole new album of material comes out. Then it will become exciting again. I do love Slashe’s band! I like the songs better than Alter Bridge with Miles singing. I do have every Alter bridge release.

  2. G n R hasn’t put out any quality new music since Izzy left the band in 1991. From a new music output standpoint since G n R’s formation, it’s pathetic….yet they get inducted into the RRHOF while great hard working influential rock bands, like Iron Maiden, get “dogged”.

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