Ozzy Osbourne’s reported mistress, hair colorist Michelle Pugh, opened up to People Magazine about her four year affair with the singer.

“When I say he gave me the greatest love of my life, I mean it,” she tells PEOPLE exclusively about Ozzy, whom she claims first pursued her one year after she first colored his hair in late 2011. “He made me feel like the most beautiful and worshipped woman in the world.”

Ozzy – who earlier this month told Good Morning America his 33-year marriage with wife Sharon, 63, was “back on track” after the two split in May – insists the relationship with Pugh was a purely physical one that resulted from his sex addiction.

“He is sorry if Ms. Pugh took their sexual relationship out of context,” the singer’s rep tells People exclusively in a statement. “He would like to apologize to the other women he has been having sexual relationships with. Since his relationship with Ms. Pugh was exposed, Ozzy has gone into intense therapy.”

However, Pugh maintains Ozzy, 67, was “unhappy” in his marriage and “consistently and willingly and generously” gave her “his love.”

“What attracted me to him? Chemistry,” says Pugh. “We just had it. It’s that indescribable thing in life, and you can’t deny it. And he didn’t.”

Aside from their physical relationship, Pugh says the duo also connected on an “emotional level” and would have long discussions about their “shared passions” for painting, history and current events. “My relationship was more with this really nice, sweet, funny and cool guy … John from England,” describes Pugh.

Acknowledging she is no longer in touch with Ozzy, Pugh says it’s a “struggle every day now” for her when she wakes. “I wake from my dreams, which some nights he’s in, and for a minute when I wake I’m peaceful,” she says. “Then the absence sets in. It’s horrible.”

Even so, the hair colorist says she has no ill will towards her former lover.

“He is a grown man. He is capable of making the decision to be with me. If he has chosen to not be, that is fine. I accept it and move on,” she says. “But he has been my best friend for the last few years, so of course I am grieving the loss for that.”

“I still love him,” continues Pugh. “And I would never exploit the truly personal and private parts of what we had. That’s not me. I’m going to stand tall and proud and say, ‘This is me. I’m not ashamed.’ I fell in love with a man that gave me the love I never knew I could receive.”


source: people.com

5 Responses

  1. I’m not a big fan of these kinds of stories because I think it’s Ozzy and Sharon’s business, or any couple.

    Than being said, I see and have read a lot of shaming against this woman that, in my opinion, is pretty terrible. These people are all adults and this isn’t high school. Grow up.

  2. oh ok,lets see why is it if your rich and famous ,and you get caught cheating its some sort of medical condition,sex addiction.,and its then oh the poor guy,but now hes in intensive therapy,so its all ok again,this is not the 1st time with these 2.no,just like alot of other famous folks,there all scumbags,please in the real world,you get caught cheating once ,and most times thats it,your out,the trust is broken,and one of you is paying for the rest of your life ,one way or another.but in there world,the woman most times make a lot of noise when its exposed,then they accept it,and then its some sort of nonsense excuse,thenm there in love agin,and again,and again,please the women are just as bad,they will stay with these guys no matter what,they love the attention they get,the money they get,and all the rest,in the real world ,you get caught cheating one time on you woman,and she will drop you like a bad habit,these women are just as bad as the guys,there all a bunch of whores……….

  3. The last thing I care to think about is Ozzy boinking anyone. I am surprised that it’s even possible considering his current physical and mental condition.

    Also, the “sex addiction therapy” is such BS. Why is it when celebrities are caught in a sexual scandal that they have a sex addiction? Give me a break.

  4. The thought of Ozzy boinking never even entered my mind until you mentioned it Taint, and where is your response to Jeffrey up there? that rant of his is begging for your comment.

    Ozzy and Sharon got married, in a church, that’s permanent in my book, it survives anything, even infidelity….maybe you separate for awhile but you come back together.

    I don’t think sex can be classified as an addiction, that’s pseudo science.

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