bobbyblitz400 Overkill frontman Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth has spoken of his shock after being told he had just six months to live by a doctor.

It turned out to be a misunderstanding due to language differences – but he only found out after 12 hours of believing he was close to the end of his life.

The experience inspired the track Another Day To Die from the band’s 17th album White Devil Armory released last month.

Ellsworth tells RockSverige, “I canceled a show in Hamburg and ended up in hospital with borderline pneumonia – and a guy there told me I had six months.

I sat up all night. I remember going through my computer wondering, ‘Who do I owe money to? Who owes me?’ It was a f ing awful 12 hours. I wasn’t expecting that – and I never expected it to come as news to me in broken English. Next day the woman in charge says, ‘No, you have to change your habits or in six months or you’ll be in another hospital.'”

By that time he’d already “scratched down Another Day To Die.” He reflects, “I suppose I got my wish.”

It’s not the first time the veteran vocalist has suffered health issues. In 1998 he was diagnosed with cancer of the nose, and he suffered a stroke on stage four years later. As a result, Blitz says, he now feels “bulletproof.”

“I just turned 55 and I don’t think of myself as someone who is unhealthy,” he says. “I’m really into hiking – I climb small mountains twice a week with my German shepherd. It just becomes what my body needs.”

Blitz recently spoke to TeamRock about Overkill’s legacy after 35 years in the business, recalling, “It was totally about free beer and chicks.”

Bobby Blitz will be Eddie’s special guest on his next podcast which is available through iTunes and podcastone.com.

additional source: metalhammer.teamrock.com

9 Responses

  1. The guy has a great attitude. He’s also one of the greatest metal frontmen on earth. I wish more people would wake up and realize that. I’ve been an Overkill fan ever since Taking Over was first released.

  2. Long live the REAL voice of thrash for DECADES!! BTW you can’t kill a deadman, eh? Spread the word people! Everytime i turn someone on to the band ( usually they never heard of them!) the response is always- ” F-ing Awesome, I’m geeting the whole catalog!” Then they are surprised by the amount of albums and there quality!

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