In a new interview with Germany’s Rock Antenne, original KISS guitarist Ace Frehley was asked if he is happy the band’s farewell tour, End Of The Road, is finally over. He responded (as transcribed by blabbermouth.net), “I’m happy it’s over, because I’m not gonna be compared to them anymore… But I don’t get this avatar thing that they’re gonna do.”

He continued, “I mean, I saw some of it on a video on YouTube last night. It kind of looked like it was geared towards children. And it’s not rock and roll. I get up on stage without backing tracks, plug my amp into it, plug my guitar into a Marshall and go. That’s it. It’s always been that way and always will be.”

When queried if he watched the last KISS show online, Frehley said, “I watched [a YouTube video of the show in] Indianapolis [from the End Of The Road tour], and I’m not impressed. But that’s me. Tommy Thayer is not a bad guitarist. He just is more mechanical than me. Nobody can copy my solos the way I play them, because I’m sloppy and nobody can move like me. Nobody. And I’m surprised the fans bought Tommy pretty much, because I think for several years that Tommy was in the band, people didn’t even know it wasn’t me. I used to get phone calls from people and say, ‘Hey, KISS is playing in town. Can you get me tickets?’ I go, ‘I’m not in the band anymore.’ They go, ‘You’re not?’ Because when I quit the band the second time, they did not make a big press release. They kind of buried it and just made the transition. But the last tour I did with KISSTommy Thayer was bringing me sandwiches and he was a tour manager and a gofer. But he’s not a bad guitar player. I’m actually friends with Tommy — just all the guys in the band. I’m good friends with  [drummer] Eric Singer. Me and Gene [Simmons, bassist/vocalist] are very close. When Gene put out his Vault Experience, I went on the road with him. I went to Australia with him. Before we made it really big, me and Gene used to room together. So Gene has a soft spot in his heart for me.”

In other Ace news, the guitarist will releasing a new album, called 10,000 Volts, on February 23rd, 2024. He released the first, self-titled single, on November 28th, which can be heard, here.

6 Responses

  1. Oh, enough already. I realize the rock press keeps asking the questions, but Ace’s constant griping makes him sound like the bitter, dumped boyfriend who can’t stop talking about his ex-girlfriend. Does it really matter what Ace thinks of the KISS Avatars? He’s only against it because he’s not making any money off it. As for Tommy being a “friend,” how many friends throw in a line like “he was bringing me sandwiches and being a gofer”? (Ace, have you looked in the mirror lately? Maybe you should’ve said no to Tommy’s sandwiches!) Also, he really should stop bragging about plugging in and playing live without backing tracks. Everyone saw the clips from Eddie Trunk’s 40th anniversary celebration and Ace’s performance certainly wasn’t one of the highlights.

    How about just promoting the new album and song (which is actually quite good!), Ace?

  2. Well said, RTunes68. I’m shocked at the eloquently worded posts here, as Ace thinks Kiss fans are idiots. I hope 10,000 Volts sells 10 copies.

  3. He questions that, “It kind of looked like it was geared towards children”, as opposed to, say the KISS lunch boxes, comics, and other merchandise that was marketed toward children when he was in the band?
    His opinion, “And it’s not rock and roll”, how does he know? It hasn’t actually happened yet.
    The guy is just so bitter and envious of the bands success without him.
    He’s so unimpressed with the KISS show that it makes you wonder if he’s ever watched his own show. It’s way more unimpressive and he’s the weakest member of his own band.

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