Annemarie Quill of New Zealand Herald reports:

Growing killer chillies was not something AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd ever thought would become a passion.

But when you are confined to the four walls of your house for eight months, even if it is a waterfront mansion with Ferraris as flatmates, “you discover things about yourself. You do a lot of thinking, play a lot of drums and grow f*** loads of chillies”…He opens the fridge to reveal a further production line of bottled chilli sauce.

“I like growing things. I like hot food. I had time on my hands. Now I have Phil Rudd hot chilli sauce.”

…In March, Rudd’s eight-month home detention ended. During his sentence he was banned from taking non-prescribed drugs and ordered to undergo drug and alcohol testing when police requested.

“I’m all done. I’m free. To do what I like … well, not really.”

…”I have behaved myself pretty well. I even tried to give up the cigarettes, but I haven’t. I didn’t drink. I am not a big drinker, so it doesn’t bother me. But, I have stopped all the crazy stuff.

At first it was hard. Frustrating. Not being able to go out to the shops. Do the little things. I was allowed a couple of hours twice a week to check on my boat. I’d go in the morning. I got to drive my cars. It was my only freedom. But being [a] Taurus, a self-determining person, at first I struggled with having to be home at a set time. But now, I am a homebody.”

…The quietness of the past eight months and the more low-key lifestyle is something he wants to continue, he says.

“It has become part of who I am now. With help. I have had to get help on my issues.”

Help has been in the form of a psychiatrist.

Rudd says he has been meeting with the doctor for one-on-one sessions for more than a year, which he describes as “really good”.

“He comes here to the house about once a week. I have got to know him pretty well. I would even describe him as a mate. At first I’d give him lots of s***, about Clockwork Orange psychiatry and all that … but talking about everything, as well as giving up the crazy s***, means that in a funny way, being forced to do that, it has been good. I was quite happy to get the help.”

Rudd says being able to admit that he did need help was hard. That it doesn’t go with the persona of a rockstar, “having issues”, but he was inspired by Sir John Kirwan talking about his depression and seeing how he overcame it.

“I’ve never felt better in my life. Physically, mentally, I am in the best shape I have ever been.”

[In regards to his former band AC/DC], Rudd says he has not spoken to band members since his conviction.

In an NZME interview earlier this month, when asked about Rudd, Angus Young said, “Phil I haven’t heard from. He’s been very quiet of late,” but Axl Rose was quoted as saying “I’ve talked to him about these other singers, though!”

Rudd smiled at that. “No, I have not spoken to Axl. He has not spoken to me.”

As for playing again with the band, Rudd is not saying never.

“It is up to Angus, what he wants to do. I am limited to where I can go.”

It is a much more subdued approach compared with straight after his sentence when he appeared on TV3 saying he wanted to “get my job back … I’m going to be back”.

Why the change of heart?

“I was over-fuelled. All over the place. I am not like that any more. I’ve never felt better as a drummer or a person. I am not saying I never hope of ever playing with AC/DC again but, then again, is it even AC/DC any more? No Bon’s beautiful voice. No Malcolm. No Brian.”

Read more at Bay of Plenty Times.

source: nzherald.co.nz/bay-of-plenty-times

3 Responses

  1. Unfortunately, I don’t see them allowing the Rudd back into the band. It remains to be seen if they will carry on after the current tour. The travel restrictions along with his tenuous relationship with Angus doesn’t help.

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