NikkiSixx400 Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx has commented on KISS’ bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons suggesting that people who suffer from depression should kill themselves.

According to blabbermouth.net, Sixx said that people who are suffering from depression should not “listen to people who don’t know what they’re talking about.”

During last night’s episode of his Sixx Sense With Nikki Sixx radio show, Sixx said, “It’s pretty moronic [of Gene to say what he said], because he thinks everybody listens to him, that he is the god of thunder and he will tell you he is the greatest man on earth. And, to be honest with you, I like Gene. But in this situation, I don’t like Gene. I don’t like Gene’s words, because … there is a 20-year-old kid out there who is a KISS fan and reads this and goes, ‘You know what? He’s right. I should just kill myself.’ If I had killed myself, my four beautiful children would not be here today. I wanted to talk about what I’ve done with my recovery and my depression and something I think Gene should use as a model.

I got off the drugs and alcohol and it was the hardest thing I ever did in my life. I didn’t think I could ever be off the heroin, to be honest with you. I got off the heroin and I couldn’t leave my house. I didn’t have any social skills, I didn’t know how to interact with people. I pretty much started to go deeper and deeper and deeper into a depression. So I went to a therapist. And it was the first time I had ever been to a therapist. And I said, ‘I just feel hopeless.’ Now, if I went to see Gene Simmons, he would have said, ‘Well, you know, Nikki, if you’re depressed, you should just kill yourself.’ But this therapist said, ‘Hey, there are ways out.’ And he gave me an experimental drug at the time called Prozac, and it got me on the right path. And then I got off of it. And I got out of my depression. And I then went to have these four beautiful children, I wrote the Dr. Feelgood album, I’ve had a wonderful life. I did not take that way out.

And what I’m saying is: for people who are depressed, there is a way out. There are many, many ways out. And I don’t want people to listen to an interview from a rock star who’s telling you the only way out is out, when I’m telling you, and I wrote it in [my book] The Heroin Diaries, you can get out of this…

One in 10 Americans are affected by depression at one point in their life, so this is another thing to think about. At one point in your life, meaning it will come and it will go…

They say all bad things must pass, all bad things will pass. So keep that in the back of your mind if you’re feeling depression, and don’t listen to people who don’t know what they’re talking about.”

To listen to the actual audio,

      click here

In related news, Triple M’s Network head, Mike Fitzpatrick has just pulled all KISS tracks from playlists around Australia. In a statement on the Triple M web-site Fitzpatrick says “Gene Simmons’ recent comments are misguided and insensitive. Depression and Suicide are not topics he should be using to further his notoriety or sell records. His desperation to use mental health issues to find relevancy in a modern age is sickening. I can only put it down to a brain fade on his part. The Triple M Network can’t and won’t be playing or supporting this d-ckhead’s music. I put the challenge out to other stations across Australia and North America to also drop any of this nudnik’s songs until such time as he reconsiders his thoughtless and insensitive position.”

Simmons has also been labelled a hypocrite after he tweeted, “R.I.P. Robin Williams. A kind and generous man,” in the wake of the actor’s tragic death this week.

source: blabbermouth.net and scenestr.com.au

56 Responses

  1. A bit of clarification: “I don’t see the relevance….he’s probably a great father,” aren’t conjunctive statements…..but I don’t see how his age….is relevant. People don’t stop saying stuff like that because their circumstances change. Gene is a visceral person, that is what is great about him, people expect too much.

    1. At his age (he has lived enough years to make mistakes to gain wisdom and insight with each error), he should know better. Sorry, I stick to that statement.

      Also, and please forgive me if I sound curt, as I don’t mean to, but I am WAY over this topic 🙂

      D 🙂

    2. Dana, the apologies are unnecessary, but I actually agree with Gene,. I don’t have any sympathy for someone, ‘all things equal’ (I wouldn’t include your friend, or someone in a similar condition) who kills themselves. Forget Gene is a rich rock star, his mother survived a concentration camp, he had a very tough upbringing, frame his comments that way. Finally, where is the connection between Gene and Robin Williams? An inference where there is none to be made.

    3. Thanks Shannon 🙂

      I think it was reported elsewhere, and don’t quote me, that Gene might have tweeted something about Robin Williams’ death. Maybe, someone else on the board can clarify it.

      D 🙂

    4. …no, I know he commented on it, what I was saying was that Robin kills himself, and people come out with “Gene would’ve pushed Robin over the edge,” as if Gene is somehow implicated in something that had nothing to do with him.

    5. Staten,
      Another problem is the headlines the media is selling–making it sound like he WANTS depressed people to kill themselves. They are missing his point completely! His is actually an anti-suicide message if people were willing to look deeper. Nevertheless, he has to be more careful from now on.

    6. Exactly Mike B! It’s like it took this incredible wrong turn..and then people had to basically formulate a thesis to figure it out…I’ll say it again, Gene is a smart guy, and I think he gets into trouble because he figures people will get what he says…

  2. You know Gene Simmons only cares about two things and that’s HIMSELF and MONEY. He could care aless about anybody else he is a complete fucking duchebag.

    So Gene Simmions you P.O.S keep your mouth shut and go count your money from your cheap ass merchandise cause your tours don’t sell out anymore.

    Oh yeah, f off

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