NikkiSixx400 Steve Baltin of Rolling Stone spoke with bassist Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue, Sixx A.M.). Portions of the interview appear below.

Rolling Stone: Will the next tour be the farewell tour, as Vince said?

Sixx We haven’t decided when that is, we’re talking about that. It’ll happen, but we don’t know when it will happen. The most important thing about a farewell tour is that the band doesn’t lie to the fans, and the band doesn’t tour and then come back years later. That’s what’s important for us, planning what’s the right time to go out. We have a great fan base, we have original fans all the way down to teenagers, and we really feel grateful to that and we continue to reinvent ourselves over the years. People always tried to make us an unimportant part of rock history and that doesn’t really affect us because it’s always been that way. Critics have always snubbed us. The thing about Mötley Crüe is we are a people’s band, we don’t kiss ass to the industry. We believe artists should be in control of their own destiny and that destiny also includes when it should be done so that their fans can forever be proud. It’s not one or two band members up there dragging the band name around. It’s a band for a reason, it works for a reason. We’re really proud of that. I think that’s why, when the day does come, we want to be proud of our band and what we’ve achieved.

Someone said to me the other day, “Won’t you be sad?” I go, “No, I’d be sad if we were playing half-full theaters and only two band members were in the band.” That would be sad. Sad is not taking your final bow in Los Angeles all together as four brothers. I talked to a friend the other day and they were talking about a friend of theirs who passed away. And after the funeral, they had this huge party and everybody was celebrating, drinking and telling stories about this guy and how fun he was and how much joy he gave everybody in life. That’s how I feel about Mötley Crüe. When that day comes, that’s what I want: one big fucking huge party to celebrate what we’ve done, all the good, all the bad, all the in-between. There it is, one big party, one final bow. It’s gonna be fucking rad, but we’re not there yet. Right now, we got three shows left in Vegas and then we’re gonna start looking forward to when we tour next.

Rolling Stone: Could there be multiple tours, or is the next one the finale?

Sixx: We don’t know right now. We said as brothers and a band, that’s something we plan on doing sometime in the future, but we’re not there yet, so we don’t have any idea when. We’re not sitting down right now planning on that.

Rolling Stone: You mention listening to Bruno Mars. Does the Sixx A.M. album cross a wide variety of genres?

Sixx: I’ve always listened to so many different genres of music. Growing up in Idaho, there was country radio, then discovering rock radio that was piped in from Boise – we were in Jerome, Idaho – that got me discovering the little mom and pop record store in town. I got my Harry Nilsson and Deep Purple albums. I’d be listening to funk, metal, rock, Beatles, Stones, Elton John, Queen, then discovering T Rex, Bowie, Slade. Those bands are all song-oriented. So, to me, if you’re listening to an artist, whether it’s thrash or pop, it’s how good the song is. I just interviewed Paul McCartney for my radio show, Sixx Sense, last week and I got to spend a lot of time with his new record. When we talked, that was so important to him that I listened to his record, I knew the songs.

Read more at Rolling Stone.


9 Responses

  1. Whatever Nikki! I love Motley but they’ll capitalize like every other band who’s had a farewell tour. They’ll make a sh*t-ton of money on their “farewell” tour, “call it quits”, then come back several years later announcing “THE MIGHTY RETURN OF THE CRUE TOUR!!!!”. Only poor Mick will probably be in a wheelchair (God bless him), and Vince will probably be 300 lbs without a voice. Maybe I’m just being a jerk and Nikki is being truthful. It’s just the likelihood of a band actually stopping when they say they will is not that great. Remember, Nikki’s a business man, if he can find a way to make more money he will. I wish them the best if they do and have always loved their music.

  2. Does anyone really believe in “Farewell Tours?” When was the last time a band did one and actually left? It goes back to “The Band” in “The Last Waltz” – Robbie Robertson moved on, but the other guys couldn’t for long. Ever since then we’ve had a bunch including the Who, KISS and others. Within 10 years we’ll likely see two different “Crues” on the road. These guys melt down quickly without the attention and rush that comes from performing and being adulated. I know they are serious now, but reality will hit.

  3. Oh how pathetic that he already tries to hype the “farewell tour”, and in the process dissing KISS… If it wasn’t for the KISS/Motley tour, I’m pretty sure people would be saying “Motley who?” …

    I’ve been a fan of Motley since their first album, but to be perfectly honest, they’ve become a pathetic footnote… They should’ve quit a long time ago. — After Dr. Feelgood in my opinion.

    Nikki, just shut up and fade away will ya..

    1. Niikki is right. Gene & Paul lied about the farewell tour. They’ve lied many times to the fans over the last 35 yrs.

  4. File under The Who 1982, Cher, Kiss, etc.. Vince will beg for another Hard Rock Vegas run a year after. “It ain’t a tour”. He’ll be sick of playing indian casinos to 231 people and beg the other 3 to do it.

  5. This interview is bittersweet for me. I’ve been a Crue fan since 1983! They were a HUGE part of my youth! Crue was there when no one else was and they got me through some seriously tough and dark times! For that I am forever grateful to them! Crue will ALWAYS be my number 1 band! They are forever in my heart! THANK YOU NIKKI, TOMMY, MICK, & VINCE! Without you I wouldn’t be standing here! XOXOXOXO

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